Effects of light during sleep on health

By Nadja Demel | Mar 16, 2022 at 4:54 am Do you leave the blinds up at night or sleep with the bedside lamp on? If so, it could have a negative impact on health. Researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois (USA) have discovered that even little light during sleep can damage the cardiovascular system […]

Will there soon be corona vaccines as a nasal spray?

Of FITBOOK | Sep 28, 2022 at 4:46 am The benefits of a vaccine nasal spray against corona are obvious to people who are afraid of injections. However, intranasal administration may have other advantages over injected vaccines. Corona viruses are known to spread primarily through the air and usually first reach the nose, throat and […]

How does laughter yoga actually work?

Of FITBOOK | May 16, 2022 at 11:16 am Laughter is a blessing for body and soul. Yoga too. So it sounds like a clever idea to combine both. What laughter yoga brings – and where its limits lie. Giggle and snort until your eyes water and your stomach muscles tremble: laughter is good for […]

Increased cancer risk in severe obesity

Of FITBOOK | Oct 31, 2019 12:52 p.m Almost every child knows that smoking can cause cancer. However, very few are aware that obesity poses an increased risk of cancer. Most people are familiar with obesity as one of the causes of metabolic diseases and orthopedic problems. However, according to one expert, the connection between […]

Teff- does the ancient Ethiopian millet make runners faster?

By Christian Glass | July 08, 2020, 9:00 p.m For marathon runners from Ethiopia, teff could represent a home field advantage. The millet has been cultivated there since time immemorial. What makes her so special? Teff has many important minerals, proteins and amino acids. Ideal for endurance and strength athletes. Berlin Marathon 2019: The first […]