Categoría: Fitness
«DirTea» – what’s in rapper Shirin David’s iced tea?
Of FITBOOK | Sep 23, 2021 at 1:29 p.m After Capital Bra and Haftbefehl, rapper Shirin David has also brought out her own iced tea with «DirTea». Why is this a trend in the scene, what’s in it and how (un)healthy is the hip drink really? Admittedly, the German rappers made a really smart move […]
Bladder ran – should you prick it?
Of FITBOOK | December 31, 2020 at 5:17 p.m Whether in new shoes or during sports, you can quickly get a blister. Strength athletes also know them on their hands. The question then is: should you pierce the blister or not? FITBOOK asked a dermatologist and an athletic trainer who looks after professional runners. The […]
Are small, red dots on the skin dangerous?
Of Laura Pomer | June 07, 2021 at 2:23 p.m They appear mainly on the upper body: small red dots, which are also called ruby spots because of their appearance. FITBOOK explains what these are and whether they – like birthmarks – can be potentially dangerous. Small, red nodules on the skin that weren’t there […]
Corona new infections – the current load limits of the federal states
Of Caroline Berscheid | May 13, 2020 at 3:40 p.m The Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Zi) has put forward two new, special key figures with regard to better regional pandemic management in the Corona crisis: the country-specific load limit and the effective advance warning time. You can read here what is behind […]
Brain abilities that study says improve with age
By Friederike Ostermeyer | Aug 20, 2021 at 9:10 p.m Aging does not mean cognitive decline across the board. In fact, some key brain skills improve well past age 70, according to a new study. According to researchers, these are amazing properties that can enrich our society enormously. Yes, it’s true that as we age, […]
Should you use handkerchiefs with an antibacterial effect?
Of Laura Pomer | July 30, 2019 at 4:15 p.m If you wipe your nose with an antibacterial handkerchief, you should remove the pathogens on your fingers and be less contagious – at least that’s what the manufacturer promises. But there is also criticism of the product. FITBOOK has found out more about this. Sounds […]
Signs that indicate ankylosing spondylitis
By Lillie Goat Bacon | Jul 03, 2022 at 8:09 am An estimated 350,000 Germans suffer from Bechterew’s disease. A condition in which the spine becomes inflamed. This special type of inflammatory rheumatism primarily affects young people. People affected by Bechterew’s disease not only struggle with pain in the spine, other joints can also become […]
Millet – does the healthy medieval grain help you lose weight?
Of FITBOOK | Aug 20, 2021 at 5:29 p.m In the Middle Ages, millet provided the majority of the population with energy and nutrients, but was almost forgotten after the introduction of the potato. Health-conscious people have had the little power grain on their radar for a long time. Current research shows that millet could […]