Signs that indicate ankylosing spondylitis

An estimated 350,000 Germans suffer from Bechterew’s disease. A condition in which the spine becomes inflamed. This special type of inflammatory rheumatism primarily affects young people.

People affected by Bechterew’s disease not only struggle with pain in the spine, other joints can also become inflamed. A stiffening of the spine is also part of the clinical picture. Complaints can severely limit the patient’s quality of life. FITBOOK provides an overview of the symptoms, causes and treatment of the disease, also known as ankylosing spondylitis.

What are the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis?

The symptoms of Bechterew’s disease are difficult to classify, especially at the beginning of the disease. Since the condition usually occurs in young people before the age of 45, the pain is often attributed to excessive stress.

Here is an overview of the characteristic symptoms:

  • back pain
  • morning stiffness in the joints lasting more than 30 minutes
  • joint inflammation
  • Trouble sleeping because of pain
  • Pain Relief Through Movement
  • swelling of the joints

In most cases, the pain begins in the lower spine and spreads to other parts of the body as the disease progresses. Symptoms differ slightly when women are affected. For example, the pain often begins in the cervical spine.

The disease affects not only the spine and joints. A variety of accompanying symptoms can also occur. These include, among other things:

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How does Bechterew’s disease progress?

For the majority of patients, the condition begins between the ages of 16 and 45. The disease is insidious, with symptoms developing over months or years. Typically, ankylosing spondylitis occurs in episodes, and the symptoms can worsen from episode to episode. In the meantime, some patients can live almost pain-free.

At the beginning of the disease, the majority of those affected complain of pain in the lower back and buttocks, which mainly occurs in the second half of the night, in the morning or after lying down for a long time. In addition, patients report pressure sensitivity in certain body parts such as ribs and vertebrae. If the disease remains undetected and without appropriate treatment, the spine becomes increasingly deformed and stiff. Movement is also becoming increasingly painful for many people.

As the disease progresses, the spine becomes severely deformed and ossified. If ankylosing spondylitis has reached the late stage, this process comes to a standstill. In some extreme cases, patients develop a so-called “bamboo spine”, which means a complete stiffening of the spine. On the other hand, the formation of a hump or a change in posture is not uncommon. The cervical spine tilts forward, which can also lead to breathing difficulties.

Theoretically, ankylosing spondylitis can come to a standstill at any stage. Nevertheless, the disease accompanies most patients throughout their lives. However, the extent to which those affected are restricted by the disease varies.

What are the causes of Bechterew’s disease?

The background of the disease is not fully understood. Morbus Bechterew is assigned to the autoimmune diseases, so the body’s defense system is disturbed.

The HLA-B27 gene is an important indicator of possible Bechterew’s disease. Although the gene does not automatically lead to a diagnosis of the inflammatory type of rheumatism, 95 percent of patients carry HLA-B27. On average, the gene can be detected in eight out of 100 people. They are at increased risk, but most of them will not develop Bechterew’s disease in their entire lives.

Morbus Bechterew and the gene HLA-B27 are inheritable. If you suffer from the disease yourself and carry the gene, the probability of passing it on is 50 percent. In fact, five to 20 percent of children will also develop Bechterew’s disease in the course of their lives.

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How is ankylosing spondylitis treated?

So far, there is no way to cure the disease. There are a variety of options to relieve symptoms or slow the progression of the disease.

Early diagnosis is important for a good prognosis, because damage that has already occurred cannot be reversed. However, the path to diagnosis can take years. Women have to wait up to eight years to find out the cause of their symptoms. Ankylosing spondylitis was long considered a male disease, which is why men are diagnosed with the disease even more quickly today.

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One of the most important measures in the fight against ankylosing spondylitis is sport. Even if exercise can be associated with pain, patients are encouraged to exercise as much as possible. It’s the best way to reduce pain and stiffness in the long run. Physiotherapy should also be used as a supplement. Targeted exercises and massages serve to train the mobility of the spine.

The use of medication is also part of Bechterew’s disease therapy. They can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. If joints are severely damaged or extreme curvatures of the spine have to be corrected, operations are necessary in rare cases.

In general, sufferers should eat a balanced diet, since being overweight means additional stress on the joints. Tobacco and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
