Drosten on Corona: Ventilation could be more important than hand disinfection

The coronavirus can be transmitted not only through droplet infection, such as coughing. You can also get infected through aerosols in the air. Virologist Drosten considers regular ventilation to be even more important than disinfecting.

The reports of corona outbreaks among employees in slaughterhouses, in a church parish and in a restaurant make it clear that the corona virus is also highly contagious indoors in stagnant air. Responsible for this are aerosols, standing particles in the air. How to get rid of them? Window open! In an interview with Deutschlandfunk, virologist Christian Drosten even said that regular ventilation could be more important than constant wiping and disinfecting.

Danger from aerosols known for a long time

The knowledge about the danger of aerosols is not entirely new. FITBOOK already reported on studies at the beginning of April, according to which aerosols can be infectious for three hours in standing room air. Even the National Academy of Medicine in the USA warned that the corona virus could spread through aerosols from infected people.

How high the risk of infection from aerosols actually is, however, was not yet certain. There was not enough data about the new route of infection. Virologist Drosten is now of the opinion that the risk of infection is similar to that of a droplet infection. This happens, for example, by coughing.

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What are aerosols?

Aerosols are tiny droplets that float in the air for a long time before eventually slowly sinking to the ground. We release aerosols into the air when we exhale, speak (loudly), sing or sneeze. It becomes particularly problematic in dry room air. Then the droplets dry up, with the coronavirus still remaining infectious for some time. The particles are then virtually in the room air.

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Proper ventilation – but how?

This increases the exchange of air. And the doors should also be opened regularly.

In general, viruses feel quite comfortable in dry air. A humidifier can help increase humidity. Houseplants keep moisture levels constant throughout the year. The wider the leaves, the more moisture the plants release. Examples of good species are ferns, ficus, lime tree or Cyprus grass.