What is creationism and examples? –

What is creationism and examples?

Creationism is the name of the conception of poetry that Vicente Huidobro had. One of the best examples of creationism is in the poem Altazor, published by Huidobro in 1931. In this poem, Huidobro invents words – like the word Altazor itself – and writes about what only a poet can see.

What is creationism in literature?

Definition of literary creationism Literary creationism was a Latin American movement that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century from the hand of Vicente Huidobro, a Chilean poet who is considered the father of this aesthetic. In this sense, the poets were considered as gods who could create new realities.

What are the main exponents of creationism?

There is no greater exponent of creationism than Vicente Huidobro himself, one of the great poets of Latin America, or his fellow creator of the movement, Pierre Reverdy. However, the followers of the movement were especially Juan Larrea and Gerardo Diego, both Spanish.

Who is the founder of creationism?

Vicente Huidobro, the avant-garde father of literary creationism | Culture | THE COUNTRY.

What is creationism in art?

Huidobrian aesthetic theory that postulates the independence of the literary work with respect to any referent and installs poetry as that creationist production par excellence.

What is creationism in painting?

The impressionist painter sought to paint what captured his emotion, he tried to reproduce with colors what the landscape gave him. The creationist poem opposes naturalism, that is, the reproduction of nature and seeks to create its own nature.

How does creationism happen?

Creationism, also known as creationist theory, is a religious doctrine according to which the universe has been created from an act of conscious and concrete will of the divinity. This belief can be held in different religions.

What is literary creationism?

Literary Creationism: Beginnings, Characteristics and Representatives. Literary creationism was a movement that developed at the beginning of the 20th century among Hispanic writers in France, Spain, and Latin America. It is considered that its foundation occurred around 1916 in Paris by the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro.

How did creationism come about?

Creationism emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, after the First World War, although there were disputes regarding its formal start date. The Chilean poet Huidobro, initiator of the movement, arrived in Europe in 1916 to settle in Paris.

What are the main creationist works?

Some of the main creationist works are Altazor (1931) by Huidobro, Manual de foam (1921) by Diego, and the first collections of poems by Reverdy, before he opted for surrealism.

How did creationism influence Spanish poets?

From France, the country where Huidobro lived until the Second World War, creationism influenced Spanish poets such as Diego Cendoya and Juan Larrea, until it had a great influence on avant-garde poets in France, Spain and Latin America.