Fans see exaggerated to remove the cry of «P …»

MEXICO — The Mexican Soccer Federation asked to eradicate the famous cry of «Ehh… P…» when the rival goalkeeper clears, but fans take this as an exaggeration.

Although FIFA has already fined Femexfut for this act, the fans who show up tonight at the Azteca Stadium to witness the match between Mexico and Canada take the measures taken as «exaggeration».

«It’s something traditional and I don’t think it’s paid attention to. The fans don’t do it to offend. It’s all part of the game,» said Rafael, who advanced will shout when the time comes.

Another fan exposed «It’s wrong. They take it as something bad, but for us it is not with the desire to offend,» said Aurelio, who considered the shout as something non-offensive and much less discriminatory.

Another follower went further and commented that «before worrying about that nonsense, they must fight the corruption that exists in national soccer.»

Of 20 people surveyed by ESPNDigital18 took the shout as something that will continue to happen, while two consider that the action is not derogatory, there are some who may feel attacked.