What is a file cabinet and what is it for?
The definition of archiver is the one that archives. record, save, file, preserve and safeguard documents, folders and other items that can be saved. It is an office furniture that is used to store documents, papers and files.
What are file cabinets?
sm Office furniture or box to keep documents and papers in order. Intruders went through the office files without needing a key to open them.
What is a lever arch file?
A lever arch file is a folder that includes a lever mechanism for opening the rings. Lever arch files allow very quick access to documentation: not only to file the sheets but also to consult them.
What is the function of filing cabinets?
Office filing cabinets allow for order in both small and larger spaces. They are ideal for planning events, organizing bills or carrying out all projects. In addition, the tasks of the different components of the company can be classified so that they can keep them up to date.
What role do file cabinets have in a company?
The archivist is any professional in the discipline of producing, receiving, preserving and storing information and documentation.
What does a filing cabinet do?
Archivists (or archivists) are responsible for selecting, storing, and providing access to materials such as written documents, maps, photos, and film. They can also answer questions, give talks to groups and organize exhibitions.
What is a definition document?
A document is the written record, either physically or virtually, that reflects the characteristics of a fact or circumstance. That is, a document is evidence about an event or situation.
What is a Carpesan?
A Carpesano is a ring binder usually Folio size and without further specifications. Just like any other ring binder, it can have two, four or more rings along with a stiff paper, cardboard or plastic finish.
How to fix folder hook?
Force open the broken binder ring if hitting it didn’t work. Take one side of the ring in each of your hands and apply steady pressure in a downward motion until the ring is fully open. Reclose the broken ring and see if your repair efforts have worked.
How does the file cabinet work?
What kind of filing cabinets are there?
Types of models of filing cabinets for office that we have
- Boxes and final file.
- Plastic envelopes and dossiers.
- Indexes and separators.
- Classifiers.
- Ring binders and rubber bands.
- Lever arch files.
- Files and tabs.
What is the function of the archive?
“Activities related to the entire archival task, which ranges from the preparation of the document to its elimination or permanent conservation”4.