How to rate an app in Play Store 2021? –

How to rate an app in Play Store 2021?

write a review

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Browse the content or search for the app you want to write a review about.
  3. When you find it, select it to open the details page.
  4. Scroll down to the reviews section.
  5. Select the number of stars.

How to review an app?

write an opinion

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store app .
  2. Browse or select the app you want to write a review about.
  3. Find and select the app to open the details page.
  4. Scroll down to the reviews section.
  5. Select the number of stars.

How to evaluate a mobile application?

Criteria to start evaluation

  1. Operation response times.
  2. Error rate.
  3. Resource consumption of the app on the mobile device. Drums. CPUs. Memory. Data.
  4. The following data must be reported for each device to be used during the tests. Type (Physical / Emulators) Brand. Model.

How to measure the efficiency of an application?

The easiest way to obtain it is by calculating the percentage of crashes from the total number of times the app has been opened. This means that the lower that percentage, the better it will work. A «healthy» average is between 1% and 2%, although this will depend on the maturity, use and type of application.

How are apps measured?

Here we are going to detail those metrics for apps that all applications must consider:

  1. Active users.
  2. Use of the application.
  3. Start of the session.
  4. Retention.
  5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  6. Average revenue per customer or average revenue per user (ARPU)
  7. Useful life or customer lifetime value (LTV)

How is the success of a mobile application measured?

Eight key metrics to achieve success with your app through digital business analytics:

  1. 1.- Users.
  2. 2.- Duration of the session.
  3. 3.- Interval of the session.
  4. 4.- The time in the application.
  5. 5.- Acquisitions.
  6. 6.- Use of the application.
  7. 7.- Retention.
  8. 8.- Lifetime value (LTV)

How many pages should a review have?

The review, in an extension of two to three pages, contains the summary and the evaluative comment made on a book, an article or another published text. The judgment that is issued on the object to be reviewed can be negative or positive, this will depend on the criteria of the reviewer.

What is the final part of a review?

The conclusion is the final part of the review, where what the reviewer thinks of the book and what he considers necessary to say is dictated more firmly, as long as it is consistent with what he is writing. It must be consistent and precise.