Treat yourself to this health check

What resolutions do you have for the new year? According to a survey by DAK-Gesundheit, 53 percent of Germans want to exercise more in 2018. Die-hard couch potatoes should, however, treat themselves to a sports check beforehand. Because a doctor can identify risk factors and recommend the ideal type of training. There is even a subsidy from the DAK-Gesundheit for this examination!

New year, new luck: finally getting fitter (and slimmer) is one of the unbeaten top 3 of all New Year’s resolutions. What about you: Are the dumbbells gathering dust in the corner of the room? Have you been more of a silent partner than an active member at the gym for months? Or have you lived according to the motto: sport is murder? Before you go all out with New Year’s vigor and register for Crossfit, power yoga or for the next half marathon, you should first make an appointment for a sports medical examination with a specialist. This is advisable for anyone who has not been physically active for a long time – but also for older people or those with a disease (e.g. asthma).

What happens during a sports check?

The great thing: As part of the check-up, you will find out exactly how your fitness level is. You can then use this to measure future progress. First of all, the sports medicine doctor will ask you a lot of questions: He wants to find out as much as possible about your medical history, existing physical complaints and previous sporting activities.

A sports medical examination by a specialist is important to avoid training injuries. Photo: Unsplash

In order to be able to better assess your physical resilience during the sports medical examination, the doctor then takes a close look at your body: He measures the body mass index (BMI), blood pressure and heartbeat, looks at your physique, joints and muscles. Possible misalignments are also noticed. Based on the results, your doctor can give you specific tips: Yoga, jogging or circuit training? He knows exactly which sports make the most sense for you and what you should consider when exercising so as not to endanger your health.

Choose the right sport according to your fitness level.

How do I get a grant?

The DAK-Gesundheit subsidizes such a health check every two years with 60 euros. In order for you to receive this amount, your family doctor only has to certify that a sports medical examination is necessary. You then submit this certificate together with the invoice for the examination to the health insurance company. There is another 60 euros if it is certified that further examinations are necessary. The reason for this can be risk factors such as: increased body weight, increased blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory diseases, skeletal diseases, smoking or alcohol abuse. Then, for example, a stress electrocardiogram, a lung function test or a lactate determination in the blood can help.
Once everything has been clarified, it’s time to get started! With the doctor’s tips, it should be all the easier for you.

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