Training for the entrance exam writing test –

Norway is a reference in quality of life and basic procedures, which aim to improve the sanitary conditions of cities in relation, for example, to sewage and treated water. On the other hand, in Brazil basic sanitation faces many challenges to function effectively. Among many relevant factors we have: the lack of investment and the Government’s lack of interest in solving the problem, using the privatization of the Brazilian basic sanitation system as a solution. (Did not formulate the thesis)

(Good cohesive strategy) Firstly, it is known that the implementation of government health actions is essential, especially for residents of needy regions, (No comma) who do not have the purchasing power to pay for these services. According to statistical data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) (Comma) 1 in 4 people living in communities do not have access to basic sanitation. Furthermore, another related problem is environmental pollution, as residents end up burning waste or throwing it into rivers. This happens because greater investments are not made nor are new effective initiatives formed. (Comma) in order to resolve the problem. In this way, the lack of investment in basic sanitation becomes an aggravating factor for the country’s social and environmental problems.

(Good cohesive strategy) Furthermore, the privatization of the health action system is not a viable alternative to ending the impasse. In this sense, an example is Bolivia, which chose to privatize the country’s basic sanitation system and began to face rising levels of poverty and people living on the streets. This is due to the exorbitant increase in taxes charged for health services, which meant that countless families could not afford the costs, contributing to the rise in poverty in the country. Therefore, it is extremely important that governments take responsibility for improving the sector, so that the population does not become The at the mercy of the decisions of private institutions that aim only at profit.

​​​​​​​(Good cohesive strategy) Therefore, to implement an excellent basic sanitation system in the country, it is up to the Federal Government (Good. Introduces the agent) create new work tools to hire new professionals through government funds that help take basic sanitation services to the most remote places (Comma) in order to curb the difficulties faced by society. Only in this way will Brazil follow Norway’s example, becoming a reference in quality of life and having one of the best basic sanitation systems in the world.