How much does he play in the lottery of the child for tenth –

Enter in the search engine and check its availability. The Duchess named the draw that was held to cover the costs of the hospital, «National Children’s Raffle». She intended to carry out a tribute to the people to whom she was directed.

This year, the art of the décimos is adjusted to a vignette with the article ‘El Niño’ and the Adoration of the shepherds; The painting is by Fray Juan Bautista Maíno, and is in the Prado Museum. But, beyond the main prizes, there are another 1,300 prizes of 1,000 euros and 3,000 prizes of 400 euros. Undoubtedly, the ending that has been all the rage for years, both for the Christmas Lottery Draw and the Children’s Lottery Draw, is ending 13.

That is, those that have already been graced with an award more than once. Official physical administration of State Lotteries and Gambling. In addition to this, in the event that you do not have the possibility of going in person, the process to acquire them online is increasingly simple. Until 10 in the morning of the same day, both physically and through the Internet.

Child Draw Breakdown

Zero is the most common final number, repeated in up to 20 prizes. The gaming and lottery logos used on this website are the property of the State Lottery and State Betting Society. The completion has obtained the First Prize up to six times. It happened in the years 1922, 1936, 1954, 1986, 2002 and 2009. The 0, for example, is another favorite, since it was awarded thirteen times.

20 prizes of 3,500 euros per series to 2 extractions of 4 amounts. ten,000 refunds of 200 euros each, for the bills whose last figure is equal to the one obtained in the second particular extraction of a figure. ten,000 refunds of 200 euros each, for bills whose last figure is equal to that obtained in the first special withdrawal of a figure. 9,999 refunds of 200 euros each, for the tickets whose last figure is equal to that of the one that gets the prize first. 99 prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the 99 remaining numbers of the hundred of the third prize. Remarkable refunds, which are also rewarded with 200 euros.

prize for tenth

2 Approximations of 6.100 euros each, for the numbers before and after the one that obtains the second prize. The day after the draw takes place you can now exchange the tenth for your prize. As for the deadline to collect the Children’s Lottery, it is located in 3 months.

There is talk of the second most important draw of the year, and it distributes a higher proportion of prizes than the Christmas Lottery, although with lower amounts. Now, you will be able to solve all the most frequent doubts about the Children’s Draw, also known as the Lottery of Kings Draw. From the day and time it will be held, to the amount of the prizes, the chances that you will get something or until when you can buy the tenth. There is one of 200 euros in the series for tickets whose last figure has coincided with «El Gordito» of the Children’s Lottery.

These are for those bills whose last figure is exactly the same as that obtained in the first and second particular extraction of a number. 750 thousand euros for the series, which translates into a total of 75 thousand euros per tenth. The third, on the other hand, distributes 250 thousand euros to the series. Buying Children’s Lottery online and selecting the number is much easier than ever thanks to Lotería Anta. On our website, we have a special section where you can buy your raffle tenths and, later, check if you are among the lucky ones.

Three Last Amounts of the Second Prize: 100 to the Tenth

In this way, for prizes of less than 3,000 euros, the money can be collected at any lottery administration. 99 Prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the 99 remaining numbers of the hundred of the second prize. 99 Prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the remaining 99 numbers of the hundred first prize. If you are one of the latecomers and you have forgotten to buy your tenth of the Children’s Draw, you can still do it. What’s more, you have the opportunity to get the ticket up to 2 hours before the draw.

Discover how to review your tenth of the child’s lottery

If it is not free, do not worry, because you have much more opportunities. However, the truth is that the search for a second chance or the fact of reinvesting what we earn on December 22 to return to try our luck prevails. Sorteo del Niño, celebrated in January, is similar to the Christmas raffle. Some say that this one should have more popularity, since the prizes are quite juicy.

In the 2022 Children’s Lottery draw, the tickets are called tenths. The denomination comes from its grouping in 2 strips of five, which have the name of bills. You can collect any prize of less than 3,000 euros in any of the State Lottery procedures.

Those numbers that coincide in the first three figures with the three biggest prizes are awarded with 1,000 euros per series. They also receive this amount when the last three figures match the first 2 prizes. This class of tenths, being an extraordinary draw, you can buy them in person or also online, at our lottery administration, 2 in Ourense. 999 Prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the tickets whose last two amounts are the same and are equally arranged as those of the one who obtains the prize first.