Who is Juan Miguel Chavez Cartel Santa?
Another version of the incident is that it was actually Juan Miguel Chávez Pimentel, who incited Babo by shooting towards the ground, after threatening him with death, but the bullet bounced off the ground, fatally wounding Ulises.
Why did Babo kill his friend?
According to the authorities, Dávalos de Luna mistakenly shot “Ulysses” with a super 38-caliber weapon and also managed to wound Chávez Pimentel in the leg. DJ Agustín, a member of the hip hop group Cartel de Santa, disassociated himself from the crime committed by his partner Dávalos de Luna «MC Babo».
What happened to Babo de Cartel?
After the robbery that Eduardo Dávalos de Luna, better known as Babo, suffered last Sunday, which fortunately ended well for him, since he was able to recover the truck and the pitbull dog that had been stolen from him, this Thursday the singer of Cartel de Santa detailed how the crime occurred.
Who is Babillo?
Eduardo Dávalos de Luna, better known as Babo (singer of the Cartel de Santa group), has shown on social networks to be a jealous dad. From his marriage to Mery Dee, Babo de Cartel de Santa has offspring: his daughter Bárbara Dávalos and a son whom he nicknames «Babillo.»
How much does Cartel de Santa earn on Youtube?
elcarteldesantatv generates approximately €1.08 per 1000 views.
When was Gera MX born?
1994 (age 27), San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico
When can a person be considered rich?
What is it to be a millionaire? The Capgemini report considers millionaires to be people who have more than a million dollars available to invest.
What is a billionaire?
A billionaire (called billionaire in countries that use the short numerical scale) is a natural or legal person, whose net worth exceeds one billion (1,000,000,000) units of a currency.
What is more millionaire or billionaire?
Millionaire: Accumulate wealth between a million euros (I say euros as I can say another currency) and less than 1000 million. Billionaire: Accumulate a wealth of more than 1000 million. Also called in other countries Billionaire.
What is the difference between a rich and a millionaire?
If you talk about being a millionaire, you mean a person who owns a million currency units of the country in question. On the other hand, being rich is subjective, depending on the concept of rich that each person has. Also: rich in what area?: economic, free time, beauty, etc.
What is the mindset of a millionaire?
Billionaires have brilliant minds, according to Steven Tu. And he goes further: «They understand the power of influencing a system so that the result of efforts is multiplied without consuming more resources. They understand the power of teamwork.”