Who are the Amish? | History, Religion, Customs and Norms

Nowadays it seems impossible for us to exist without technology. Can you imagine having to live without a cell phone, television or simply without electricity? Although this situation seems to refer to the distant past, it is not. Today, there are many people who, for ethnic and religious reasons, have decided to live in complete austerity. This is the case of the Amish community that, ironically, you have surely seen on television. If you want to learn more about who they are and their customs and beliefs, be sure to read this new article from . Go for it!

Discover who the Amish are

The Amish They are a religious and ethnic group, descended from German and Swiss immigrants. There are Amish communities all over the world, but the majority have settled in the United States and Canada, so if you visit these countries it is very possible that you will encounter them. Although the Amish can be seen all over the world, they have not adapted to those cultures. In fact, and despite being governed by the same principles, each community has created its own norms and rules. The most characteristic thing about these communities is that they live simply, without using motorized vehicles or electric lights. Likewise, their way of dressing is modest and easy to recognize.

1. History of the Amish community

The Amish They emerged from the Anabaptist movement that began in Switzerland in 1525.. At that time this group was known as «the Swiss brothers» and they were part of the Radical Reformation. Then, in 1693, an Anabaptist leader named Jakob Amman thought that church leaders were not adhering to the standards of Mennonite doctrine, which dictates maintaining complete separation from the world. For this reason, he created a stricter discipline for this group, which still characterizes them today. It was at this time that Amman’s followers called themselves «the Amish.»

As you can imagine, It was with the waves of migration from Europe to North America that the Amish reached the coasts of this continent and began to spread. Some time later, in the 17th century, a sharp division occurred within the Amish community. The most traditional separated from the most progressivewho ended up uniting with the Mennonites.

2. Customs and beliefs of the Amish

What is essential for the Amish community is their faith in God. They believe in submitting completely to what they call «the will of Jesus.» According to the Amish, those who comply with the community norms will please God, which is why for them respect for leaders is of vital importance and what governs their customs.

In addition to religion, the two keys to understanding the customs of the Amish are in their principles, these, grosso In other words, they are: his rejection of vanity, pride and arrogance and his high value for calm, simplicity and humility. According to these principles, the use of electricity is prohibited for the Amish, they do not use any gas in their kitchens and even less electric light. Thus, within the Amish community you will not be able to find refrigerators, electric light bulbs, motor vehicles, washing machines, stoves and other objects that are present in our daily lives. This is because they think that all this can generate competition for a better status, thus going against their principles of humility and simplicity. However, in some communities the use of batteries is allowed in case of an emergency, such as for flashlights or recreational activities, for example.

On the other hand, they defend pacifism and a sense of community, so it is normal that when a member needs something, the entire community comes together to provide help. For this same reason, they see televisions and social networks as something frivolous, which does not allow them to enjoy quality time with family and community. Thus, for the Amish it is customary to share with the family, especially during meals, and look after everyone’s good: women do so by taking care of the home and men by providing money. Their main activity is usually agriculture, so boys are taught farm tasks from a very young age, while girls usually learn about housework and motherhood.

Another Amish custom is to baptize adults and not children. Precisely, They are called Anabaptist for this reason. According to their beliefs, this religious practice must be conscious and voluntary, which is why it is only practiced by adults; They generally do so between the ages of 19 and 23. Butbefore being baptized, one of the most important customs of the Amish is “The Rumspringa”. This happens when the person turns 16 and He is given special permission to explore the outside world. Many of them usually do activities that are very common for us; like going to the cinema or a bar. This custom is done so that young Amish people decide if they want to stay in the community or if, on the contrary, they want to leave.

Although for some people these are terrible Amish rules, for others they are just a different way of life to which someone born in this community easily gets used to. What is true is that the strictest communities are the Nebraska Amish, Swartzendruber Amish and Troyer Amish.

3. What are the rules of the Amish?

As we mentioned, each Amish community has its own religious leader, a figure that can be more or less strict. They are the ones who guide the lifestyle and are the ones who interpret the norms of the Bible. In this way, in the different communities there are a series of (unwritten) rules. which are known as the Ordnung. These rules serve to organize themselves since the Amish do not follow the rules of the country in which they are, so they themselves dictate their forms of punishment and reward, depending on their actions. In this way, the Amish have courts within the same community to punish and resolve crimes or conflicts that arise. The person who is found guilty of violating the rules may be punished with social rejection and excommunication.

There are many rules in the Ordnung, but an example of them are the dress codes (which we will detail later)this Prohibited from possessing full-length mirrors, because they promote vanity; just like the photographs. As we have already established, there is also talk of the prohibition of the use of technological devices or motor vehicles, although it is clarified that, if someone else drives them, the Amish can use them; except for airplanes. It is also said that children can study up to eighth grade and after that they will have to work on the farm or at home.

As you may have noticed, the Amish have a very strict lifestyle. For this reason those who decide to leave the community They must break ties with the other members; It doesn’t matter who they are.

4. Amish dress codes

As you may have noticed, the Amish are very modest people, so their way of dressing should reflect their beliefs and their devotion to God and the community. Next, we tell you what the way men and women dress is.


Women should always wear long dresses, with sleeves that cover the arms. These are made by themselves (it is also their job to make men’s clothing) and must stick to solid colors and without any type of design.

Furthermore, since their hair is quite long, they must place it in a bun on their head, which they must cover with a cap or bonnet. The color of this will depend on the woman’s marital status; If she is married she must wear a white one, but if she is single it will be black. It is the husband who must give them permission to remove the bonnet. In addition to this, jewelry and other accessories are completely prohibited.


They usually wear dark colored suits, with suspenders, but not with belts. Also, they must wear a straw hat, as long as they are outside. Black hats are for cold climates and other colors can be used during the summer.

In a similar way to women’s bonnets, men, once married, do not cut their beards again, as a symbol of authority and respect. But, it is believed that they should never grow their mustache, as it reminds them of the military, something that goes against their pacifist mentality; Something very curious is that the same thing happens with the use of buttons, since it is reminiscent of military uniforms, which is why only hooks are used (it should be noted that in some communities the use of these has gradually been allowed).

5. Women within the community

As we told you, the Amish do not live according to today, so their treatment of women remains as it was several centuries ago. In the Amish community It is women who must prioritize taking care of the house, the church and other members. In other words, they are a patriarchal society in which women do not have the same freedom as we know. While a woman is single she must obey her father, but once married she is submissive to her husband, since it is believed that if she pleases man, she pleases God.

Among the rules that women must follow, the first is the dress code, which we already mentioned. The same way, They are not allowed to cut their hair or wax. In addition to this, since they do not have refrigerators, Women must cook daily so that food is always fresh. Like men, women can study until they are approximately 14 years old, but they are taught much earlier about domestic tasks and it is their duty to take care of their siblings and help take care of their father. Once they leave school, They engage in household chores, which involve cooking, sewing, cleaning, and caring for others. A woman’s work is so important that even if she is pregnant, she cannot leave it aside.

On the other hand, it is prohibited for women to receive sexual education, so There are no contraceptive methods and thus women conceive many children, according to God’s will. Marriage is something sacred within the community, so divorce is completely prohibited for women. There are some cases of divorce, but the big difference between men and women is that, once divorced, women must remain single forever, while men do have the freedom to rebuild their lives.

6. Where have they settled?

Not all of the Amish community live in North America. The Amish also live in Central and South America.. Beginning in the 20th century, an Amish group settled in Latin America. The arrival point was Paradise Valley, near Galeana in Nuevo León, Mexico. However, this settlement was only during 1923 and 1926. They also attempted to live in Honduras between 1968 and 1978, but this settlement also failed. There are still small communities in those places, but they are almost imperceptible.

On the other hand, in the small country of Belize there are Amish communities or Mennonites of the old order. This…