Where can I deposit my Compartamos Banco card? –

Where can I deposit my Compartamos Banco card?

Deposits: At Compartamos Branches, Puntos Yastás and SPEI.

What cards accept deposits at OXXO?

Through a statement, he announced the banks from which deposits can be made, and other operations, in their stores. The banks are: BBVA, Santander, Scotiabank, HSBC, Inbursa, Bancoppel, Afirme, and Caja Popular Mexicana, among others.

What is the Compartamos Banco mobile token?

The security token, also known as an authentication token or a cryptographic token, is a high-tech portable device that generates a random and irreplaceable 6-digit key, which key is usually updated approximately every 60 seconds.

How to activate Token Banco Atlantida?

  1. Requires a security PIN.
  2. You do not need internet, only at the time of downloading.
  3. It cannot be cloned or copied.
  4. It has the most advanced technology on the market.
  5. It is enough that you have a smart phone or smartphone to have this application.

What is my Atlantis token?

The token is an additional security device, which will be delivered exclusively to our Business Banking and SME users. The token will generate a random key to enter Atlántida Online, providing a «strong» authentication through them.

How do I get my digital token?

Get your Digital Token totally free in these simple steps:

  1. Update your BCP Mobile Banking app.
  2. Log in from your BCP Mobile Banking and in the main menu, choose the “Digital Token” option
  3. A new screen will appear, select the “Request Digital Token” button
  4. Clever!
  5. Your token is ready to use!

How do I get my Interbank token key?

How do I join the Digital Token?

  1. Enter your APP Interbank Companies.
  2. Enter the Banner that appears at the top.
  3. To join, scan your ID document front and back.
  4. Take a photo to validate your identity.
  5. Enter the code sent to your registered email.
  6. Ready you can now generate your token key to perform operations.

How to activate digital token online?

Log in to your Internet Banking and carry out your operations. When you are asked for your Digital Token Key, enter your Mobile Banking and click on “Digital Token”. Enter the password that appears at that moment and Done!

How to activate my Interbank physical token?

You can do this procedure easily with these simple steps: Go to the nearest Global Net ATM. Locate yours here. Insert your card and password, enter the «Passwords and Security» section and select «Affiliate to Mobile Banking».

How is a digital token?

The Digital Token is the safest and most instantaneous way to confirm the operations carried out through digital channels. In mobile banking, the Digital Token is automatically validated with a confirmation. In internet banking, you must enter the number that appears on the cell phone.

What is the mobile token?

The Mobile Token is an additional security method at no cost, which is activated from your HSBC Mexico app and allows you to carry out more operations in the application and in Internet Banking.