What topics are seen in the first year of secondary school in mathematics?
1st grade math Add and subtract with whole numbers, fractions, and positive and negative decimals. Multiplication with fractions and decimals, and division with decimals. Direct proportionality. Calculation of percentages.
What is the secondary number line?
The number line is a representation of real numbers, which helps students to add, subtract, divide or multiply, their separations have to be the same size, it has positive and negative numbers and it is seen from primary school (here only they are presented with the number line with the numbers…
What is a succession learn at home?
…an ordered numerical set that has a general term. an unordered number set. …
What subjects do they teach in junior high school?
1st Secondary
- Course summary.
- Greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
- Numbers: operations with whole numbers.
- Numbers: equivalent fractions and addition and subtraction.
- Numbers: fractional, decimal and percentage expressions.
- Algebra: algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities.
What do they teach you in junior high school?
Choose the subject whose lessons suit you:
- Spanish I.
- Mathematics i
- English I.
- Science I (with an emphasis in Biology)
- Technology i.
- Geography of Mexico and the World.
- arts i
What is the number line?
A number line is simply a representation of the ordering of the real numbers. Usually, we mark 0 in the middle, negative integers on the left, and positive integers on the right: The arrow indicates that the line «keeps going» in both directions.
What is a compound sequence?
Finally, in a compound sequence, two sequences are included in an interleaved manner, that is, two sets that are formed independently and are interleaved with each other. A different rule applies to each sequence. Look at the following examples… Numerical sequence composed of 14 terms: Sequence 2.
What is a sequence in mathematics for children?
What is a number sequence for children? Successions is a set of numbers, letters, figures, etc. arranged among themselves by a law of formation, which is obtained using the basic operations of: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, potentiation and filing. Example: 1, 4, 7, 10.
What is advanced in first year of secondary school?
The Ministry of Education reported that with the redistribution of the school workload, first year high school students will take classes in psychology, philosophy, history, geography, biology, civics, physics and chemistry in three new areas.
What do they teach you in high school?
It is the third level of Basic Education. It takes three years in which it is sought that adolescents acquire tools to learn throughout life, through the development of skills related to the affective, social, nature and democratic life.