What percentage of the planet make up the oceans? –

What percentage of the planet make up the oceans?

Planet Earth houses millions and millions of liters of the liquid element. We know that almost three quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, and that the oceans contain 97% of all that there is on the planet.

What is the deepest that man has reached in the sea?

The businessman Victor Vescovo descended almost 11 kilometers until he reached the deepest part of the sea: the Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean. Vescovo, aboard a submersible, thus achieved the record for the deepest dive made by a human being.

What is under the sea?

Answer: Seamounts. That’s right, not all mountains are born at sea level, many of them arise from the ocean floor of the Earth and are formed by extinct volcanoes. A fish from the age of the dinosaurs.

How many meters can a person go down in the sea?

Diving with compressed air, the maximum authorized depth can in no case be greater than 60 or 65 meters. The reason is because at all times the water pressure compresses the air breathed by the diver.

What is the maximum that a submarine can be submerged?

While submerged, the water pressure on the hull of the submarine can reach 3 MPa (about 300 meters deep) in steel submarines and up to 10 MPa (1000 m) in titanium ones, such as the Komsomolets, with the pressure remaining constant. internal pressure.

What pressure supports a human under water?

At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 1 atmosphere. As someone goes underwater, the atmospheric pressure experienced by that person increases. This is highlighted in the first entry into the water, since the descent of 10 meters reaches 2 atmospheres.

How much weight can a human being bear?

By region

Region Adult population (millions) Average weight Latin America and the Caribbean 386 67.9 kg (149.7 lb) North America 263 80.7 kg (177.9 lb) Oceania 24 74.1 kg (163.4 lb) World 4,630 62.0 kg (136.7 lb)

How much is the most a person can carry?

It is clear to everyone that the current maximum weight limit for manual lifting is 25 kg for men, 20 kg for women and those under 18, and that pregnant women cannot lift loads.

What is the maximum weight a teenager can carry?

The weight that children must carry in their school stage is approximately five percent of their body weight, that is, if a boy/girl weighs 20 kilograms (kg), the volume must be one kilogram; a teenager weighing 60-70 kilograms should carry 3-3.5 kg.

How many times can an ant lift its own weight?

Small but mighty: weaver ants can lift up to 100 times their weight. Their strength varies between different species, but some can lift between 10 and 50 times their own weight.

How many times can the rhinoceros beetle carry its own weight?

Beetles These insects are also very talented at lifting weights. This is the case of the Hercules (Dynastes hercules), which belongs to the group of rhinoceros beetles that can lift up to 100 times its own weight, according to a study by Rodger Kram at the University of Colorado.

How many ants are there for each person?

Edward O. Wilson, a Harvard biologist and expert myrmecologist, calculates that there may be between 1,000 and 10,000 billion ants in the entire world, which would mean around a million individuals for each one of us.

What is the average lifespan of an ant?

Lasius niger: 4 years

How long does a small ant live?

The average life expectancy of an ant is only a few weeks. But the colony itself lives for years.

How big is an ant?

Camponotus: 0.64 – 2.5 cm

Why do ants die?

Ants perform one of nature’s most amazing ‘mortuary rituals’. Thousands and thousands of individuals follow each other, guided by the smell, forming a massive spiral until they die exhausted -from walking so much, because the circle never stops- or by being crushed.

How long does an Argentine ant live?

While most ant colonies have only one queen, Argentine ants can have many. They can have as many as eight queens for every 1,000 workers. All male ants hatch from the egg and their only role is to impregnate the queen(s). His life is only about a year.