What is the Dentoalveolar radiography? –

What is the Dentoalveolar radiography?

It is a small dental x-ray in which we will try to see the entire tooth from the end of the root to the complete crown, in addition to the surrounding tissue. This helps us assess problems with the tooth and its supporting tissue, as well as problems and infections beyond the tooth.

What do dental structures look like on an x-ray?

 Due to its lower mineral content, its radiographic image is approximately comparable to that of bone  The dentin-enamel junction, between enamel and dentin, is visualized as a clear interface separating these two structures.

What is a tooth decay?

Cavities are permanently damaged areas on the surface of the teeth that develop into small openings or holes. Cavities occur due to a combination of factors, including bacteria in the mouth, frequent snacking, sugary drinks, and poor dental cleaning.

How long can a cavity last?

For example, the average time it takes for a cavity to get from the enamel to the dentin is 4 to 8 years, so we have enough time to detect and treat it before it forms a cavity in the piece that requires a filling» .

What is the reconstruction of a tooth?

Dental reconstruction is that procedure aimed at repairing damaged teeth. Many of the procedures that are carried out in dental reconstruction seek to maintain the piece and solve the damage with the restoration, such as: veneers, bridges, crowns, dentures, etc.

What is the reconstruction of a tooth?

Reconstructions are treatments to recover the anatomy of the tooth that has been lost due to fracture or caries or other reasons. The difference between obturation and reconstruction is the dimension to recover. The reconstruction can be done with composite or ceramic and can be accompanied by a post to reinforce.

How much does a post and crown root canal cost?

and an endoposte Depending on the type of material, it ranges from $1,500. up to 3,000. And you must not forget that the aesthetic crown will also be required, which, depending on the material, goes for $3,500.

When can not put a crown?

The tooth has a cavity that is too large for a filling. The tooth is cracked, worn, or weakened. The tooth has undergone root canal treatment (endodontics), thus increasing its fragility. The tooth is discolored or poorly shaped and you want to improve its appearance.