What is superfluid and examples? –

What is superfluid and examples?

The superfluid state occurs when the viscosity tends to zero, for example: Helium at very low temperatures. Observing this, some scientists suggest that the superfluid helium 4 can be compared to a gas endowed with very weak interatomic forces.

How is a superfluid created?

When cooled below the lambda point, some of the helium enters the state called helium II which behaves like a superfluid. The superfluid component increases as the helium continues to cool.

What is the superfluid state of matter?

A superfluid is a liquid that flows without internal friction. For a liquid to be superfluid, its atoms or molecules must be cooled or «condensed» until they reach the same quantum state.

What is the state where superfluidity is reached?

The superfluid is a state of matter characterized by the total absence of viscosity (which differentiates it from a very fluid substance, which would have a viscosity close to zero, but not exactly equal to zero), so that, in a circuit closed, it would flow endlessly without friction.

What characteristics do superfluids have?

The most outstanding characteristics of superfluids are their ability to flow without resistance through very fine capillaries, to transport heat with practically no resistance, and to propagate temperature waves, known as second sound.

What is superfluid helium?

Helium not only remains fluid at cryogenic temperatures, it becomes a superfluid at a low enough temperature. A superfluid material has essentially zero viscosity, which means it must flow forever without losing energy.

What is the new state of matter called?

It is liquid glass, a state found in the transition of particles of matter from a liquid to a solid state.

Where is the Bose-Einstein state located?

It is found at −273.15°C (degrees Celsius) or 0 K (degrees Kelvin). Below that energy there is nothing because temperature is a simplification of the speed of a particle and there are no negative speeds. You cannot be more still than zero.

Who discovered the Bose-Einstein condensed state?

Coincidentally, this June, on the 5th, it was 25 years since physicists Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman produced the first Bose-Einstein condensate by cooling atoms –also rubidium– by means of a laser at the University of Colorado.

What are the properties of Supersolid?

They were called supersolids, and they are among the strangest phenomena in physics: a strange state of matter that has the crystal structure of a solid, but flows like a liquid. But without losing the ability to flow without any external force, which is not possible in a normal solid.

What are the advantages of superfluids?

Superfluids are currently very useful in high-precision gyroscopes. Superfluidity makes it easy to measure and observe some of the effects of the theory of gravity.

How is helium present?

Helium is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. It has lower solubility in water than any other gas. It is the least reactive element and essentially does not form chemical compounds. The density and viscosity of helium vapor are very low.