What is hierarchy in architecture? –

What is hierarchy in architecture?

Hierarchy in architecture. Hierarchy is a system that organizes space, based on how important they are to the project. Hierarchy in architecture is established through the use of shape, size, color, or location of the elements that make up the project.

What is hierarchy in design?

In any editorial or graphic design project, we must take into account the concept of visual hierarchy. This concept consists of defining the importance or order of the different graphic elements that are part of a design.

What is spatial hierarchy?

It is the one with the highest hierarchy. It is spacious and is usually delimited by steps, which makes it easier for the faithful to easily follow the sacred action.

How to prioritize an income in architecture?

There are basic rules for the correct design of an entry, I will mention the most important in order to have valid elements of judgment on the subject:

  1. The location with respect to the urban context.
  2. The location relative to the building.
  3. The shape.
  4. The transition.
  5. The dimensions.

What does exceptional dimension mean?

It can be achieved by giving it: – An exceptional size – A unique shape – A strategic location. The predominance of a form or space that is hierarchically important is achieved by making it an exception to the norm, an anomaly within a model that would otherwise be regular.

What is the oblique approach?

Oblique approach: Distance vision. Enhances the effect of perspective. Spiral approach: Underlines the three-dimensionality of the building. The input can be visible from the beginning or hidden.

What is a circulation space in architecture?

Inside buildings, circulation spaces are spaces predominantly used for circulation, such as entrances, lobbies and halls, corridors, stairs, landings, etc. In architecture, circulation refers to the way people move around and interact with a building.

What is delayed access?

Delayed access – accommodates part of the outdoor space in the territory of the building.

What is the study of areas?

Area studies (in English: area studies, in German: Regionalwissenschaft) deals with the society, culture, and history of a given geographic region, as well as its language, literature, and linguistic analysis. It is common for the study of languages ​​to have a predominant role in them.

How is an area study done?

To perform the required analysis, you must do the following:

  1. Assign a use to each ground mass.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​each ground mass.
  3. Calculate the percentage of floor space devoted to each use.
  4. Use this information to determine the best combination of uses for the design.

What are the horizontal and vertical circulations?

Vertical circulation elements are those that join the floors in the building that are at different levels. Stairs are made up of steps or rungs, which consist of horizontal planes, or treads, separated from each other by vertical distances called risers.

What is meant by circulation?

The term circulation (from the Latin circulatĭo, -ōnis) is the continuous movement of blood in the body of the living being. Blood circulation in the human body. The circulation of tumor cells in the process of tumor metastasis. Thermohaline circulation of water masses.

What does transit circulation mean?

By antonomasia, traffic on public roads is known as circulation. The circulation, therefore, is the transit or traffic of vehicles. When the traffic jams are considerable, the circulation stops, the vehicles cannot move forward.

What is circulation in the economy?

Economic circulation: It is the process of moving and exchanging merchandise (goods, services and factors of production) that allows the integration of production and consumption. And it is done through the market mechanism.

What is investment in an economic system?

Investment: ✍ It is the phase of the economic process aimed at financing a new production process. ✍ The savings under the control of the companies are destined to the replacement of capital through the acquisition of equipment (replacement investment) or the formation of new capital (liquid investment).

What are the elements of economic circulation?

Elements of circulation: Market, money, merchants, transportation, weights and measures, credit, infrastructure, media. Economic flows: Real or physical flow (FR), nominal or monetary flow (FN). It is a simplified representation (economic model) of intercirculation in an economy.

What are the economic poles of circulation?

Economic poles of circulation: These are the economic units that give rise to circulation. They are the extremes between which goods circulate and are traded. Commodities arise from one of them, which go to the other end. Economic units: Production units, consumption units.

Why is circulation important in economics?

It is very important that circulation, responsible for getting the product to the consumer and distributing wealth to all members of society, is fast, easy and safe.