What does «SUMA CUM LAUDE» mean and what grade would it receive?

Verified answer

My Dear and adored Carpem Diem.

Summa Cum Laude: Represents the highest distinction, the Greatest of Honors and is the recognition for obtaining the highest possible grade in a University Degree, especially at the Master’s or Doctorate levels and corresponds to graduates with a level of no less than nineteen or twenty points earned.

1.- The Honorable Mention «SUMMA CUM LAUDE» is the distinction that the Central University of Venezuela grants to those graduates who have obtained during their studies a weighted average of nineteen (19) or twenty (20) points.

2.- At the University of the Caribbean Suma Cum Laude, from 3.8 to 4.0

3.- At the Francisco Marroquin University of Guatemala It is granted to those who have a cumulative average of 95 to 100 points.

As you can see, the putaje varies according to the country.

Have a great day.
