What are the Instrumental umlauts? –

What are the Umlaut Instruments?

Umlaut Instruments: These are the instruments that make the incision or section of the tissues, which is why they are defined as cutting instruments: scissors, knives, shears, chisels, gouges, saws, tenotomes and others.

What instruments does a general surgery kit contain?

Surgical instruments for general surgery are a group of medical pieces made up of scalpels, scissors, tweezers, separators, probes, needle holders, cotton holders, spatulas and bandages.

What does the suture kit contain?


  • 1 Mayo-Hegar needle holder 14 cm.
  • 1 Surgical forceps with 14 cm tooth.
  • 1 Littahuer Scissors removes 12.5 cm points.
  • 1 #3 Scalpel Handle
  • 1 Metzenbaum scissors of 14 cm.
  • 2 curved Hasteld or mosquito hemostatic forceps of 12.5 cm.

What are surgical forceps called?

Forceps, such as forceps, Kocher forceps, needle holders.

What are the pulling forceps?

Traction forceps. They are used when tissues or other structures must be held securely for access and retraction without tissue damage. They can be straight or curved and of variable dimensions. The main types are: – Those with jaws with nail or tooth closure (eg Kocher, Oschner).

What is a Babcock caliper?

Pressure pliers are used to achieve strong and sustained fixation. They are usually scissor-shaped, have a central joint and can be straight or curved. They are used both to catch tissues, gauzes or sponges, sometimes also to perform hemostasis by pressure.

What is a dissecting forceps with teeth?

Straight dissection forceps with teeth available in 13 and 14cm. This instrument allows holding tissues and materials by means of the force exerted by the pressure of the branches. They provide a firm support in the hard tissues and skin. They are very useful for lifting the skin.

What is the suture kit?