Tips for not gaining weight in lockdown

Working from home, contact restrictions and greatly reduced opportunities for leisure activities – logically we are currently spending a lot of time at home. In addition, the fitness studios are closed and the autumn weather is not exactly conducive to extensive jogging outdoors. With our tips, you should not gain weight in lockdown despite these hurdles.

Normal is not at first. We will continue to spend plenty of time within our own four walls in the coming weeks. What is then important to many people: being well supplied with food and luxury goods, among other things, in order to sweeten the sometimes dreary days and evenings in lockdown. Experts are therefore not surprised if many people gain weight in lockdown.

Be careful with between meals and snacks

At home, snacks and unhealthy snacks such as chocolate bars, crisps or cakes are tempting. And these can quickly turn into “corona rolls”, as Peter Grimm, State Director of the German Society for Nutrition knows. In official surveys, 50 percent of parents said that their children nibbled more often and moved less during the enforced break from daycare and school. Likewise, according to their own statements, singles are particularly susceptible to treats in between.

The corona pandemic is therefore not only making you sick, but in many cases also making you fat. Grimm: «Working from home, lack of exercise and frustration as a result of the pandemic lead to weight problems.» This is also confirmed by a FITBOOK survey on weight changes due to Corona from last May. At the time, the majority of participants reported gaining weight during the first lockdown.

What to do to not gain weight in lockdown?

If you don’t want to gain weight in lockdown, you need a fixed daily structure. This should include regular times for meals – and sufficient exercise. Even if many have gotten used to lounging on the couch. «Unmovable appointments are the best way to overcome the weaker self.»

Also interesting: how to do more sport over the long term

Germans are cooking more themselves again

After all, the lockdown is also a good opportunity to eat healthily. The expert mentions a corresponding corona-related trend as positive: A third of all Germans are currently cooking more often and eating together in small groups. Studies have shown that. «The family table has been revived,» says Grimm.

Even without roommates and family members, cooking can be fun – and tasty and healthy. We have collected a few tips for conscious nutrition in the home office for you here. Maybe the younger people can be convinced of that too. According to studies, there is little interest in cooking among 18 to 24-year-olds. Only every third of them swing the wooden spoon with enthusiasm. However, there is also a desire for self-sufficiency in this age group, which is indicated by the run on baker’s yeast and the extensive baking of banana bread.

Shop more consciously!

And to come back to the chips and chocolate bars mentioned above: If you make sure not to collect too many snacks that endanger your figure when you go shopping, you will be less tempted at home. If you crave something sweet, sometimes a piece of fruit is enough. And instead of the chocolate pudding, maybe a natural yoghurt with nuts would do?

Apparently, many Germans already shop more consciously, praises Grimm. «A third of consumers go shopping less often and attach more importance to long-life and frozen food than before.» Meat and sausage products are sold less over the counter. This is entirely in the sense of the nutritionist. He advises: «A plant-based diet with little animal content and lots of fruit and vegetables is more important than ever.» For people who don’t go outdoors much, he recommends vitamin D for healthy bones and a good immune system.