The Witching Hour | The magical moment of the night

Due to their hidden nature, in the collective imagination, the activities of witches take place in the hours of darkness. Women flying on broomsticks in the light of the full moon, covens illuminated by the flames of a bonfire…, everything seems to indicate that night is the preferred time for this group. It is not surprising that European popular culture identified a specific time of the night like the Witching Hour and this was considered by supporters and detractors a magical moment of the day. Join us at to find out what is that moment and other curiosities about the Witching Hour.

The Witching Hour, the most magical moment of the night

In the folklore of most European countries, Witching Hour is the time of day when the powers of supernatural creatures and entities such as demons, ghosts or witches appear or are most powerful.. That time of day corresponds in all cases to nighttime hours, although the time slot may vary. One of the most famous examples of what would be the Witching Hour as conducive to the appearance of specters is found in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The play begins at midnight, at the moment when the ghost of Hamlet’s murdered father appears. «Last night, when that same star that is to the west of the pole had already made its race, to illuminate that space of the sky where it now shines, Marcelo and I, at the time when the clock struck one…» they saw the ghost of the deceased king of Denmark.

There are many other examples in the literature in which midnight is mentioned as that magical moment. Solar midnight is the opposite moment to solar noon and through these two milestones it is possible, according to traditional magical thinking, to draw an axis that connects the world in which we usually move with other worlds that come to life with the perigee of light. . Chaos, the underworld, supernatural beings or death are related to this moment and are covered in an aura of mystery.

At that witching hour, close to midnight, popular traditions claim that supernatural creatures see their powers increase and it is also the best time to collect herbs and other ingredients that are used in potions, drinks, creams, elixirs and others. magical activities. Although belief in the Witching Hour is very old, it was not mentioned by this exact name until 1835.

Popular beliefs and legends about Witching Hour, also called «Magic Hour» They vary from one place to another, although we find them both in Europe and in the Islamic East. It is usually noted as peak moment the time slot between 12 (0 a.m.) and 1 a.m., although in some places they indicate that it is between 11 at night and 12. The legends especially highlight the negative part of what happens at that time and speak of mysterious appearances of demons, spirits or witches and that for those who You see, your vision is a bad omen and in many cases it means your premature death. The positive part is that popular medicine believes that herbs collected at Witching Hour will have their effects increased. Furthermore, that moment is in many ancient stories, the one indicated to find treasures or for the redemption of condemned souls.

1. Magical Nights and the Witching Hour

The supernatural aspects of the Witching Hour, according to Christian tradition, inherited in many cases from pre-Christian rituals, increase significantly on some specific nights of the calendar. The magical nights In many traditions, they are the eve of Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, the night before Good Friday, Walpurgis Night and St. John’s Eve, which is the night before the Saint’s Day.

In many places in France and Bohemia, it was believed, for example, that at midnight on the day before Christmas, our Christmas Eve, the water turned into wine and the animals in the stables began to talk as if they were people.

2. The witching hour and the devil’s hour

One of the curiosities of The Witching Hour is related to the Devil’s Hour. In many places the Witching Hour extends between midnight and 2 am and even 3 am. This happens because 3 am is considered the devil’s hour as the opposite time of day to 3 pm which, according to tradition, is the time when Jesus died on the Cross.

Between 3 and 4 am for the Christian tradition, supernatural activity increases significantly and this is because, apparently, in that time interval there are no prayers in the «Canonical Hours» or prayers that were carried out in the Ancient Age. Half in the monasteries. Sometimes, women found alone at that time outsidewithout there being a clear reason for them to be outside their homes, They were accused of witchcraft.

Current psychology seems to have found an explanation for all the apparitions that seem to have taken place over the centuries in the so-called Witching Hour. Experts say that this type of presence is especially common between 2 and 4 am and that this corresponds to the increase in body melatonin that occurs naturally around 3 in the morning.

3. Current meaning of The Witching Hour

Surprisingly, currently If you hear a stockbroker talk about the witching hour, he is not referring to any magical activity., but to a much more prosaic one related to the stock market. The witching hour is known as a specific moment in stock market activity between the hour before and the closing time of the stock market, on the third Friday of each month, when two or more options or futures expire and there is an extraordinary trading volume. and very changing prices. Nothing to do with witches or traditional apparitions!

The Witching Hour is present in many works of Western literature. We have seen the example of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but there are many more. Did you know what time of day was the Witching Hour? Do you think that special circumstances related to magic really occur at that time? Have you had any curious experiences at that time? Share it with us, we will be happy to meet you!