If you are a fan of horror classics, You will love to know that they all have one thing in common: sinister music. We hear it when there are tense moments in the plot, where we know that a character is about to die or be discovered by the evil being that torments him… Do you know what makes those sounds? Well, it is an instrument called waterphone, an object that seems taken from one of the science fiction books and that, today in , we will describe it to you in detail. Join us! 😉
Waterphone or the instrument that produces the sound of fear
First things first: what is the waterphone? You will see, This is an instrument invented and built by Richard Waters, a painter and sculptor who loved horror movie curiosities.. This artist knew that horror films needed a soundtrack consistent with the events that were happening, so he got to work…
1. What is waterphone?
The waterphone is an instrument constructed from a cylindrical tube embedded in a metal disc. Around it there are rods of different sizes that are responsible for transmitting different sounds. Its creator explains to us that the waterphone is a mixture of a Tibetan drum with a type of nail violin.. Finally, it is thanks to its soundboard that the notes are amplified and its tones become truly eerie. But… Do you know why this instrument is called waterphone?
When playing it, artists usually add a little water. In this way, the sound is more vibrant, more organic and disturbing. And hence, the name of this instrument itself: waterphone. The resonance box is the one that contains water, this liquid allows it to maintain the waves for a longer period of time..
In short, the waterphone’s main characteristic is to produce deeper sounds, with a great torrent of harmonic sounds. Water is involved in this, as it acts in two different ways. The first is that it can lead to bending the tones thanks to the weight of the water, which is why sounds with lower frequencies and deeper tones can be emitted. On the other hand, if the waterphone is in a vertical position, the water no longer has the resistance of the diaphragm and it is for this reason that it manages to emit higher-pitched and shrill sounds.
Be that as it may, music or more than music, simple sounds, They have become a favorite in many recording studios and soundtracks for different types of horror films. For example, it is known that Jerry Goldsmith, John Mackey, Tan Dun, Christopher Rouse, Colin Matthews and Carson Cooman are faithful admirers of the waterphone as an instrument capable of generating in the viewer what they are looking for. For this reason, it has been so in demand for many of its productions.
2. A scientific instrument
Did you know that the waterphone is an instrument that also serves to communicate with nature? Yes, this is how you read it. Although it has been used for great films such as The Matrix, Star Trek, Poltergeist or Aliens, The waterphone is used to call whales during research of their natural habitats! Surely it was one of the curious facts about whales that you did not expect.
Apparently this instrument is capable of lowering its frequency so much that it is completely congruent with the sounds that whales emit. Richard Waters says that: «The fact that the waterphone can be held in the water and operated has also made it possible to attract whales and other cetaceans, thereby expanding interspecies communication.» So you already know, If someone is skilled enough to touch it, other aquatic animals such as dolphins and sharks may even respond to its call.. Impressive, right?
3. What is the sound of the waterphone?
Let’s see, we know that the images show us the waterphone as a difficult instrument to play, but it is quite the opposite. You see, in the words of its creator: «To play the waterphone you basically need your eyes, ears and hand coordination, which is easy to acquire.»
Here the only thing you need to play it is to have it. Do you know that one of the curious facts about the instrument is that it is very difficult for you to obtain the same sounds that you already produced? Everything is reflected in the position in which you have the waterphone, the amount and use you give to the water and the way you move your hand. Would you like to try it? We know so.
4. Great artists, good music
As you can see, this instrument is truly interesting. Therefore, before finishing we want to believe that It is worth knowing more about this peculiar instrument…
Musicians such as Miles Davies use it and some collect or perform it, such as Aerosmith, Kim Atkinson, Richard Barone, Todd Barton, Andrew Carter, Lee Charlton, Carson Cooman, Tony D’Anna, Rubem Dantas, David Darling, Karen Elaine , Reinhard Flatischler, Evelyn Glennie, Dave Grusin, Sofia Gubaidulina, Micky Harte, Imogene Heap, Toshiyuki Hiraoka, Kitaro, Klang, Gary Knowlton, Chris Lamb, Pete Lockett, Bill McQuay, Robert Minden Ensemble, Nexus, Not Breathing, John Pascuzzi, Luis Peralta, Emil Richards, Steve Roach, Christopher Rouse, Lalo Schifrin, Tom Scott, Andi Spicer, Jesse Stewart, John Synder, Bert Turetsky, Glen Velez, Sara Winge, Tom Waits, and many others.
They all know that for the sound to emerge in all its intensity we need to sit and bend and then gently tap the rods so that the water creates that unique resonance that has made such a particular instrument as the waterphone famous.
To this day, it also appears as background music in numerous plays. In 2008, for example, was used in «The National Youth Music Theater» of Great Britain and for «Summer night Dream». The waterphone was ideal for creating mysterious, ethereal and disturbing sounds when actors were in the woods.
One last thing, today there are three models of waterphone, which range from smallest to largest diameter. Believe us, their music is almost addictive.
We hope that this article about an instrument as particular as the waterphone has impacted you. If you are a fan of rare instruments, we invite you to discover the theremin, an unplayable musical instrument, or the bramadera, the instrument of prehistory. You will love them both!