The true meaning of Christmas | Don’t stop getting to know him!

All over the world, the celebration of Christmas is one of the most anticipated events of the year. Inexplicably, during this time we feel happier and more eager to share with our family and friends. However, due to the parameters of society, it has become a commercial party, so giving gifts at Christmas, with their respective phrases and Christmas cards, become something vital on this date. Although these have their meaning in the celebration, Christmas teaches us much more than that. For this reason, in this new article, we want to tell you about the true meaning of Christmas, so that you can relive the most authentic Christmas spirit.

Discover the true meaning of Christmas

As you know, Christmas has its origin in the Christian religionso the main and true reason for this celebration is remember the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, who would be the messiah in charge of liberating all humanity.

He would be the one who would cleanse us of all the sins, which had damaged men’s relationship with God. In this way, his arrival meant the reconciliation of all people with God.

It is believed that this arrival and salvation It was a gift that God gave to all peoplewhich is why gifts are usually given at Christmas, to imitate the good deed of God and follow his teachings. Therefore, it is not wrong to enjoy gifts, nor do they go against Christmas, rather, we should focus on their true meaning and significance.

1. The story that gives its meaning to Christmas

The Christmas story tells that Joseph and Mary were searching for a place where the Virgin could give birth. They knocked on many doors, but no one welcomed them into their home. Fortunately, they manage to find a small manger where The baby Jesus is born, in the most humble way possible despite being King and God.

With this story, we seek to convey the true meaning of Christmas, which is a message of hope and faith. Although several doors close, together with God, we will find the path to enlightenment. On the other hand, this story It teaches us about humility and how this is a quality that we must learn from God, without measuring how much wealth we have.

After this, the story goes that the Three Wise Men arrived to visit the child. It is said that these were guided by the Star of Bethlehem, which is said to have been God himself. guiding them to their son, so the true meaning of Christmas is also letting us be guided to meet God.

In the same way, among the curiosities of the Three Wise Men, it is said that they were pagans, since they came from other parts of the world, where Christianity was not professed. For this reason, its arrival and offering at the Portal of Bethlehem represents the recognition and search for this God as the only and true one. Thus, Christmas is also a time for accept God into our hearts.

Thus, we invite you to discover these Christmas phrases to reflect on.

2. The attempt to eliminate Christmas

One of the most interesting curiosities of Christmas is that it really Its true date has never been established. Since the 4th century, Christianity established that it would be celebrated on December 25, since there was no common agreement on the date of birth.

For this reason, in 274, Emperor Aurelian, in an attempt to eliminate Christmas, chose this same date to celebrate «The Cult of the Invictus Sun.» in which worship and tributes are made to different deities of the Roman Empire. In this way, the date of Christmas became even more important for Christians, because now They demonstrated their faith and loyalty in Godgoing against that pagan festival that went against everything Christians believed in.

Historically, The professors of this religion were persecuted and cruelly murdered during a time. So the Aureliano Sandwich attempt sought not only to end Christmas, but also all of Christianity. During that time, the way Christians celebrated Christmas had to be hidden and clandestine. For this reason, at the Christmas festival too The courage and faith of Christians for remembering God is remembered.

If you want to join in this feeling, be sure to read the best phrases about God.

3. The meaning of the Christmas tree

If we review the true history of the Christmas tree we will notice that it began as the symbol of a pagan festival in the Germanic towns. However, important figures in the Christian religion, such as Saint Boniface, were in charge of adapting them so that they were meaningful to the true meaning of Christmas. Now, the new Christmas tree was a fir tree whose leaves represented the eternity of God’s love and its triangular shape referred to the Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Saint Boniface also decorated it with candles (which we have currently changed for lights), that symbolized the light of Jesus Christ in the world. On the other hand, originally the Christmas tree He used to carry abundant apples, which represented temptations and original sin, a guilt that would be erased with the arrival of Jesus, so this symbol is very important to understand the true meaning of Christmas.

4. What do the ornaments mean?

In this festival there are many symbols that we usually go unnoticed. The meaning of the Christmas tree decorations also helps us understand the true meaning of this holiday. Thus, the spheres that we place on the tree They represent the gifts that God gave to people; The bells represent the call of God towards men and women, so that they know when the mass begins and they should attend worship; the Angels represent the messengers of Godsince they are the ones who announced to us the birth of Jesus and also allow us to communicate directly with God.

5. So what is the true meaning of Christmas?

As we mentioned, the Christmas festival has been evolving within a consumerist society, something that is very difficult to change and fight for. Hence The real Christmas lives within each of us. So we can say that the meaning of this party depends on what you want to give and what lives in your heart.

Whether you are a believer or not, Christmas moves us so much because it is the time of year when we remember what really matters in life, which goes far beyond material belongings.

It is the ideal time to remember those people we love and who have been important throughout our lives. In other words, the true meaning of Christmas is love, family, gratitude and faith in God. Likewise, it is a time for reconcile with God and with others, so we must learn to forgive and love all our brothers.

The true meaning of Christmas does not have much science, what we can tell you is that you will find it by being with your family and friends. Don’t forget that more than a day to celebrate and receive gifts, it is a date to remember true love and be grateful for those people who love us. Finally, so that you continue learning about this date, be sure to read: the Christmas truce. Don’t forget to leave us a comment about what Christmas means to you. Happy Holidays! We hope you have an excellent end of the year and much prosperity in the next.

Other Christmas facts that you should know

If you are one of those who enjoy the Christmas spirit the most, you may be interested in knowing the following articles about Christmas and everything that surrounds it.

AH! And while we love this tradition, we can’t stop thinking about the planet and paper waste. Therefore, we leave you these tips to have an ecological and sustainable Christmas.