For many years, science has been dedicated to determining why hair falls out, as well as possible solutions for alopecia. And indeed, there is a relationship between testosterone and baldness. A study conducted in 1960 by Dr. James B. Hamilton of Yale University addressed this issue. For it 21 young people who had been castrated were studied (It was a common practice at the time for children with mental or behavioral problems). In the follow-up that was done on the boys, no signs were found that they were developing pattern baldness. But on the other hand, men of the same age who had not undergone the castration process, so their testosterone production was at normal rates, already showed signs of growth.
What was concluded in this regard is that testosterone and baldness could be related in this sense: The higher the level of the hormone in the body, the more likely it was that the man would go bald. But, since it is the main sex hormone, which has to do with the drive, desire and production of sperm, the fact that a man has it in greater measure could also imply greater virility.
Now, the genetic aspect is also incorporated to refute this theory. Currently, experts state that there are several genes that are involved in baldness. Although there is still no complete understanding of the process, what is believed is that hair follicles become very sensitive to testosterone. This would be converted in the body, thanks to the action of an enzyme, into a substance called dihydrotestosterone. This is responsible for some people’s hair follicles shrinking, as they would receive less blood and nutrient supply. The follicle then weakens, the new hairs that are born become thinner and thinner, until it becomes inactive and no more hair grows.
So, do bald men make better lovers?
Now, is this hypothesis enough to affirm that bald men are better lovers? Well apparently not. In the study carried out by Dr. Hamilton, it is concluded that high levels of testosterone in the body can make it easier for men to go bald, but to a very small extent. If there is a little production of the hormone, no matter how small, a man can maintain his hair. That is to say, The amount of testosterone in the bloodstream does not determine baldness. What is defining is the person’s genetics. This implies that there would be no reason to establish a direct relationship between baldness and sexual performance.
Does testosterone affect hair loss in women?
We talked about the theory that bald men are better lovers, but is there a relationship between testosterone and baldness that also affects women? Female alopecia is much less common than male alopecia. Different factors can influence it, such as genetic predisposition, pregnancy, thyroid malfunction or even the use of birth control pills. But The hormonal aspect also influences, especially when the woman approaches the age of pre-menopause and menopause.
At this stage, the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone in your body, decreases. This releases the action of the male hormone that the woman’s body also produces but to a much lesser extent. This can represent weakening of hair follicles, loss of volume in hair strands and hair loss.which is usually accentuated in the upper front part of the head.
Well, despite the myth that bald men are better lovers, most of them still prefer to maintain their appearance with hair. And although genetic predisposition can be decisive in this, there are some ways to positively manage the relationship between testosterone and baldness, avoiding the production of DHT, which is ultimately the driver of alopecia. One of the most common measures in this regard is to use personal hygiene products that include ketoconazole in their formula. This is a useful medication that blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT. It is also common to prescribe minoxidil, a topical vasodilator that also prevents the production of DTH.
Other remedies to avoid baldness
There are also other methods that will help your body better process the relationship between testosterone and baldness, taking care of your hair. Taking zinc supplements usually has a very good impact on hair strengthening, as well as doing a specialized ampoule routine that you use once a week. As for medications, it is common to also recommend Finasteride, which acts as a suppressor on hormonal actions, preventing the hormonal effects linked to testosterone and baldness.
Home remedies for hair loss
There are also many things you can do from home so that testosterone and baldness do not represent a problem for you. Among the tips to take care of your hair with homemade recipes, we find remedies such as aloe vera applied directly to the scalp. Honey masks with egg yolks are also recommended to nourish your scalp. If you are interested in these kinds of methods, don’t miss this list with the best medicinal plants.
If your idea is not to lose your hair completely, also forget about showers with very hot water. High temperature water damages the scalp, stripping it of the essential oils that help protect it. Hair massages are also a great option to take care of your hair, as they improve blood circulation in the scalp, strengthening the activity of the hair follicles.
And you, Did you know about this relationship between testosterone and baldness? Do you think that bald men actually make better lovers? Feel free to leave us your opinions in a comment, we will be happy to read you! Meanwhile, we leave you with this article about the advantages of being bald. After all, men like Bruce Willis, Zinedine Zidane or Vin Diesel will surely have stolen a sigh from you…
And if there is someone out there who awakens your passion, be sure to read these phrases for lovers.