Stress and sadness make us eat unhealthily

The tougher life, the higher the stack of empty chip bags and ice packs next to the sofa. But why exactly do we reach for sweets and snacks so unrestrainedly in difficult times?

Stone Age system

It made little sense for our ancient ancestors to nibble on mammoth maces in stressful moments; For a long time, stress meant acute danger to life for people. The body went into emergency mode, pumping out adrenaline and preparing for fight or flight in a matter of seconds. In the resting phase that followed, he then tried to recover as quickly as possible the energy that had been used up in the process.

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Unfortunately, our body still ticks the same way today. «That’s why we have an appetite for carbohydrates that are particularly easy to digest, such as chips,» explains Lars Selig, head of the nutritional outpatient clinic at Leipzig University Hospital. Only that our current stress consumes much less energy than an escape from the saber-toothed tiger.

But even with prolonged anger, for example at work, more stress hormones are released. And they then increase the appetite, even though the body doesn’t actually need any food. Especially with chronic stress there is a risk of obesity.

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Even those who are sad eat more

And then there’s the matter of feelings!

When you’re sad, you’re more likely to grab an unhealthy snackPhoto: Getty Images

We want to feel the positive feelings that we associate with food again and again and stimulate our reward system. Just feels good. So there’s another load of cake or cheese fries. This is learned behavior and unfortunately not so easy to discard.

Strict bans, on the other hand, are pointless, they tend to have the opposite effect.

Get out of the food trap!

But do not despair – the situation may be serious, but it is by no means hopeless. In the first step, for example, it is advisable not to keep any sweets or snacks within reach. Absolutely nothing. Not at home, in the car, in your pocket or at work.

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Because someone who is stressed has a lower frustration tolerance limit, but at the same time a higher impulsiveness – and then simply can no longer make sensible decisions. The inner desire becomes almost untamable and suddenly you are back at the snack box. However, if this is empty, the craving for sweets cannot be satisfied so easily.

You should also realize that you are truly and actually experiencing stress and then ask yourself where it might be coming from. Perhaps a clarifying conversation with colleagues, partners, friends or the boss will help. «Anyone who is permanently exposed to stress should also try to actively do something about the cause,» agrees Professor Klotter.

What else makes you happy?

Finally, it is smart to consider alternative stress management strategies. For example yoga, jogging, dancing, autogenic training, meditation, walking, talking to friends. «Everyone has to think for themselves: what cheers me up?» says Lars Selig.

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This not only helps to cope with acute stress, but also leads to a fundamentally higher resistance to stress. And then it’s: Ciao, chips!

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