Slept badly from Sunday to Monday? This is no coincidence

Not being able to fall asleep or waking up again and again – many people associate such problems with the night from Sunday to Monday. And a similar number feel correspondingly exhausted on day one of the work week. But why is it that we often sleep so poorly on Sundays? FITBOOK names possible causes and gives tips for a good night’s sleep.

In order to start the new week fit, you probably want to sleep well and sufficiently on Sundays. But on Monday night of all days, many people find it difficult to rest. There are several possible reasons for this.

«Those who go to bed to sleep will not fall asleep.» This warning comes from sleep medicine specialist Dr. Hans Günter Weess. On Sundays in particular, many put the pressure on themselves – and thus achieve the opposite of the desired effect. According to Weeß, the dogged focus on sleep is more likely to lead to insomnia.

Better: Don’t be afraid to come home from the weekend without enough sleep. Even if you haven’t closed your eyes all night. The body gets the sleep it needs back in the right place simply by making you tired earlier.

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2. Carousel of thoughts before the new week

At the weekend you could finally relax a little loosen up. On Sunday evening, many think about what the new week will bring. And it may seem sensible to mentally prepare for the tasks ahead before Monday morning. But the time in bed is not the right time for it. Because: According to the expert Weeß, there is a risk of not being able to stop the merry-go-round of thoughts. Logically, falling asleep is not much anymore.

Better: Cell phone off, TV off – thoughts off. If you notice that you’re getting some, say to yourself: «I’m very relaxed and just let any thoughts go on.» You may smile, but that really helps!

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3. Slept too late on Sunday

Saturday evening was it longer? That calls for a lie-in. However, if you go to bed earlier on Sunday because the alarm clock will ring in the morning, you may not be really tired at that point. No wonder you can’t fall asleep. And now looking at the clock and noting how many/few hours you have left brings you back to problem #1.

Better: Try not to sleep until noon or later. Otherwise there is a risk of losing your rhythm completely. And if you do have to, it’s best to wait on Sunday evening until you’re really tired and feel ready to fall asleep.

4. …and lounging too much

Your exercise quota on Sunday was limited to the way from the couch to the kitchen? You can’t really exhaust yourself that way. Those who move a lot during the day can fall asleep better in the evening.

Better: During the course of the Sunday, go for a long walk outside or maybe even go to the gym. But please not right before bed. That might just kick your circulation back up.

Also interesting: home workouts by fitness YouTubers

5. Sunday is heavy on your stomach

Lastly, for many, Sunday means Cheat Day. Means: While eating is relatively disciplined during the week, high-sugar and high-fat calorie bombs are allowed on Sundays.

The «cheating» (or «cheating» – quasi in the healthy nutritional routine) is granted to you. However, you should know that it can keep you awake when your stomach is digesting high-fat foods.

Better: In general, many people sleep better if at least two or three hours have passed between their last meal and going to bed. Maybe you just put fries and burgers on the table for lunch and take it easy in the evenings.