Do you know what happens when you burn a corpse? The curiosities about death They take us on a journey through the most absolute mystery. There are those who think that with physical death, our path has come to an end. Others believe that this is just one of the many lives our soul goes through. Until a few years ago, when someone died, they were accompanied to the cemetery and buried. It could be in a niche, in a pantheon or in an open tomb in the ground, but tradition was followed. Perhaps thinking about the resurrection of bodies, people did not even want to hear about the cremation of a body.
In other cultures it is normal to burn the dead on funeral pyres, but in the Judeo-Christian tradition this is not the case. This has changed a lot nowadays and the cremation of a body is no longer a taboo matter, or at least not as much. Today at we have decided to go deeper into this process and tell you what happens when you prepare to burn a corpse. Can you come with us?
Shocking things that happen when burning a corpse
1. Oven temperature
The process of burning a corpse requires taking the body of the deceased, in its coffin, to a crematorium oven. But it is not just any one, but a device specially designed for this purpose.
For the human body to be completely reduced to ashes, the oven temperature must be approximately 900° Celsius. It is only with that level of heat that the body is able to disintegrate in its entirety.
2. The processes of cremation of a body
When the cremation of a body is carried out, the corpse goes through two processes: first, the retort, in which the organs are vaporized and oxidized by the heat until only entire bone remains remain. And the second is the cremulator, which grinds the remains until they become tiny fragments like grains of sand. In a cremation, the body dehydrates with heat, dries out and naturally catches fire and burns.
3. The skull remains when the corpse is burned
Perhaps you have heard about the rare phenomenon of incorrupt bodies, those that, even having been buried, remain pristine, bodies that do not decompose. Well, in the process of burning a corpse, although this, of course, does not happen, there is an area of the body that remains at least during the first cremation.
It is the skull, which In the first waves of heat, in which the rest of the body disappears, it usually still retains its shape and its density. Sometimes it is even necessary to use a special roller to spray it.
4. The corpse moves
There are many myths and urban legends surrounding the cremation of a body. There are even some who defend that the corpse, inside the oven, moves. Well, experts confirm that there are movements. The bodies do not sit down, but due to the thermal differences between the refrigerator where they were and the heat of the oven, there are movements of knees, hands or fingers.
5. How much do ashes weigh?
One of the most impressive moments of the cremation of a body is the delivery of the remains of the deceased to the relatives. It is very hard to see how a person who was standing is reduced to a small box. Well, The ashes and dry bone fragments weigh only 3.5% of what the original body weighed.
6. What happens with the pacemaker?
When burning a corpse, this is one of the most important information to know. If the deceased has a pacemaker, it can explode inside the crematorium oven. So much so, that in many places that are dedicated to cremating bodies, they demand its removal.
7. The maximum weight allowed
And to burn a corpse, weight is also an important issue. In fact, if the deceased is morbidly obese, in most cities they will not be able to cremate him because he will not fit in the oven. The maximum weight they usually allow is 200 Kg.
8. Loss of DNA
Another important fact about the cremation process of a human body is that At the time of cremation, DNA is definitively lost. However, the professionals who are in charge of this type of services guarantee that the processes comply with legal regulations, and that the ashes cannot be mixed or confused.
What is the process of burning a human corpse?
Burning a corpse is a decision that the family of the deceased must agree to, as it completely departs from the tradition of burial.
Now, before making a determination, it is advisable to find out how the process develops. The first step in cremating a body is to remove jewelry and other materials that the deceased carried with them, and hand them over to the family. The usual removal of pacemakers, if applicable.
During the process, the body is placed in a chamber and exposed to extreme temperatures (up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit), leaving only ashes. All body burning ceremonies are performed individually and last between one and three hours., according to the physical volume of the deceased. After the body has been reduced to ashes, a cooling period is recommended before they can be handled. Generally speaking, they are placed in an urn or container, and delivered to the family.
And you, Have you ever heard about these strange things that happen when burning a corpse? Did you have any idea what the steps were for cremating a body? Does this seem like an acceptable method to you, or do you prefer the more traditional ones? Feel free to leave us your opinions on this sensitive topic in a comment.
In video: What happens when you burn a corpse?
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And if what you want is to continue in this line of research, we leave you with the article in which we tell you about the terrible stories of the body snatchers.