This Tuesday, August 17th, the registration deadline for the 2021/2022 Entrance Exam at the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), based in Rio de Janeiro, closes. The fee is R$100 and can be paid until tomorrow, the 18th.
Between the 2nd and 13th of July, the IME accepted requests for exemption from the fee. The result was announced on July 30th (see the beneficiaries). Those who obtained the exemption also need to register for the entrance exam by today.
Register here for the IME entrance exam
Who can sign up?
Natural Brazilians, aged between 16 and 22 years old, who have finished high school or will complete it in 2021, and who do not have a criminal conviction, can register for the Admission Competition for IME Training and Undergraduate Courses (CA/CFG).
Activates (for candidates who wish to pursue a military career): Be at least 16 years old and at most 22 years old by December 31, 2022.
Reservation (for candidates who do not wish to pursue a military career): Be at least 16 years old and at most 21 years old by December 31, 2022.
To compete for Ativa vacancies, candidates must also have a minimum height of 1.60m, if male, and 1.55m, for female candidates. All requirements are in the Candidate Handbook.
See: Discover the military career
The IME offer to Ativa candidates is 80 places, with 16 places reserved for black candidates. There are 12 vacancies for the Reserve, two of which are reserved for black candidates.
The Engineering courses offered are Fortification and Construction (Civil Engineering), Electronics, Communications, Electrical, Mechanics and Armament, Mechanics and Automobiles, Materials, Chemistry, Cartography and Computing.
At IME, the choice of Engineering specialty is made at the end of the Basic Cycle, according to the classification achieved by the candidate and in accordance with the number of vacancies and specialties stipulated annually by the Army General Staff.
Read: Which Engineering is my thing?
Entrance Exam 2021/2022
The IME Intellectual Exam (EI) consists of two phases. In the first phase, candidates undergo an objective test with 40 questions in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, scheduled to be administered on October 10th.
The list of classifieds for the second phase will be published by October 19th. At this stage, five tests will be taken, with objective and discursive questions, divided as follows:
Mathematics (10/25): test composed of discursive questions
Physics (10/26): test composed of discursive questions;
Chemistry (10/27): test composed of discursive questions;
Portuguese (10/28): test consisting of objective questions and writing;
English (10/28): test composed of objective questions
Download the IME entrance exams
Test Locations
The IME tests will be administered in Belém/PA, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasília/DF, Campinas/SP, Campo Grande/MS, Curitiba/PR, Fortaleza/CE, Goiânia/GO, Juiz de Fora/MG, Manaus/AM , Porto Alegre/RS, Recife/PE, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Salvador/BA, São José dos Campos/SP, São Paulo/SP, Teresina/PI and Vila Velha/ES.
The IME will publish the list of candidates approved in the EI by December 23rd. After this announcement, those classified must still undergo the other phases of the selection process, consisting of the Health Inspection (IS) and the Physical Fitness Exam (EAF). The steps will be carried out by IME in January 2022.
For more information visit the IME website or consult the Candidate Handbook.