Pomodoro Technique: Explanation and Benefits |

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Let’s be honest – most of us are as far from undisturbed work as Earth is from Mars. We intend to learn in peace and really focus. But you know how this usually ends: The current object of your carnal desires reports on WhatsApp exactly when you open the Word.doc to start your homework on Kant, on Instagram there is THE EXERCISE for the perfect #bodygoals to see and somehow you have to go to Penny first to have anything eatable in the house at all. Stop wasting time – with the Pomodoro Technique, procrastination and unnecessary distraction are a thing of the past. Here we show you how you can use the Pomodoro Technique for your studies!

What does the Pomodoro technique bring you and what is it anyway?

Pomodoro (Italian for «tomato») – that makes you think of mom, pasta and pizza, doesn’t it? In this case, not quite correct, because this is a successful and widely used time management technique worldwide. This was invented by the Italian entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo. Incidentally, he used a kitchen timer in a tomato design for this, which explains the name of the method.

With the Pomodoro Technique, you divide your study time into 25-minute segments separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are called “pomodori”. After about four pomodoros, take a longer break of about 15 to 20 minutes. The advantages of the effective method are obvious: you work really concentrated, achieve better learning and exam results and become a real time management professional. This is also worth its weight in gold in exam situations – because who doesn’t want to avoid too much stress during their studies?

The advantages of the Pomodoro method in detail

Thousands of successful CEOs (and no, we don’t mean the cutthroats shown to you as a YouTube ad alongside Lamborghini and Rolex) rely on this simple method. Here are the reasons why you should give the pomodoros a try:

  • Increased productivity
  • Fast learning
  • Improved quality and quantity of your work or learning experience
  • Better time management
  • Increased focus and motivation
  • The ability to stay mentally “fresh” throughout the day
  • Tasks are solvable because they don’t overwhelm you due to the division into segments
  • Less fear of exams when studying, since the tasks are «manageable».

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How does the “tomato technique” work?

By now you’re probably wondering how the Pomodoro technique is supposed to work with a procrastination rate that would put even an Australian sloth to shame. Great – because the Pomodoro technique can take the pressure off you incredibly, especially during the exam phase, and enable you to manage your time optimally without overtaxing yourself.

1. First step: Plan ahead!

Take five minutes to plan your day. What tasks do you want to work on and how many pomodoros (25 minute blocks) do you anticipate needing to do it? After all, optimal organization and realistic expectations are the key to the best possible productivity.

2. Eliminate all – absolutely all (!) distractions

Even a brief distraction can take 25 minutes to get back on track, so avoid distractions at all costs. Log out of all your social media accounts and your email, put your phone on silent and create a quiet working atmosphere. If, for example, you live in a flat share or are still living with your parents, you should inform your fellow human beings in a friendly but firm manner that you do not want to be disturbed.

3. Your first Pomodoro is ready

Now set an alarm for 25 minutes and work or study for 25 minutes without a break. Look at your to-do list and proudly tick off what you’ve already accomplished. After a five-minute break, you take on your next Pomodoro. After your fourth Pomodoro session, you deserve a longer break of about 20 minutes. You can use this to eat something or go for a walk, for example.

Pomodoro Technique during your studies – what tools are there?

Whether it’s about studying calmly and effectively, writing your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, or preparing a presentation: the Pomodoro technique helps you to work on the task as focused as possible. There are various tools that you can use if you don’t want to limit yourself to just the kitchen timer. With the browser-based apps Tomato.es or tomato-timer.com your Pomodori will be «stopped» directly on the screen. As soon as a «session» is over, you will receive a notification. Even the breaks are set for you – if that’s not even a handy service!

The Pomodoro technique can also be implemented perfectly using a mobile phone. Just set your cell phone timer to 25 minutes and put it on flight mode at the same time. After the time is up, you take your appropriate break and then continue working. Would you rather manage your Pomodori via app? No problem – if you have an iPhone, simply go to your app store and download the Flat Tomato app there. If you have an Android cell phone, just look for the Engross app in the Playstore, with which you can also implement the Pomodori principle.

General tips on productivity when learning and working

Whether you want to use the Pomodoro Technique or not, a to-do list is essential to getting the most out of your tasks. It is best to write down everything you have to do the night before and realistically plan time for it. While you are studying or working, social media should be absolutely taboo, after all you don’t want to lose your focus and complete your tasks in the time you had planned.

Do you want to make learning easier and reduce your exam anxiety? With the learning app you can prepare much better and more efficiently for your exams. This will make you feel more confident and you can look forward to your exam with peace of mind.

If it’s not quiet in your working environment, you can use earplugs like «Oropax». A «Do not disturb» sign on the door should also make it clear to your roommates or parents that you need quiet now and that they should postpone any need to talk to them until later. So that you don’t have hypoglycemia in front of your laptop or hanging over your books, you should definitely make sure that there is always something healthy to eat in the house before you start studying. That way, you can’t shirk your studies with a «justified» trip to the supermarket you trust.

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Conclusion: If you want to optimize your time management and productivity, the Pomodoro Technique is the best choice!

We are exposed to a variety of distractions these days. If you want to learn in a concentrated manner or work on a task, you still have to create an ideal basis. With the Pomodoro Technique, you learn to really focus, get better results, and stay productive for as long as you need to. With the right schedule, you feel less stressed and can face your tasks calmly. Give this effective method a try!