Memento Mori | Do you know its true meaning?

Memento Mori, a Latin expression that has transcended time and has reached our time. But what is hidden behind the expression memento mori? The truth is that from its beginnings to the current era, the expression has been subject to different interpretations.. That is why at we want to investigate the true meaning of this expression. Do you dare to meet him?

Do you know the true meaning of Memento Mori?

Do you remember dying or remember that you will die? The Latin expression melement mori It has been translated into Spanish in two different ways, which, in turn, have different interpretations. However, they both agree on something: live life in the best way possible, maintaining control over emotionsgiving importance to the desires of the soul, more than those of the body.

They say that when a Roman general advanced victoriously in his triumphal procession, His servant, while holding the laurel wreath, whispered in his ear a phrase that invited him to remain serene.: Memento mori. He seemed to want to tell him: remember that you will die, general, you too, like all those who died in battle.

Many have tried to find out the correct meaning and interpretation of this phrase, which can be understood in Spanish as «Remember that you will die», although experts assure that the real translation is «Remember to die.» But is there that much difference between one translation and the other? Why is it so important to find the right interpretation? And what is the true meaning of Memento mori? What does this renowned Latin phrase invite us to do?

Experts assure that the phrase comes to us from the philosophical current of Stoicism, that is, the conception according to which good is not in external objects., but in the wisdom and mastery of the soul, which allows one to free oneself from the passions and desires that disturb life. However, according to his translation, could have different practical interpretationsdespite pursuing the same objective.

«Remember you will die»

Stoicism stated that man, to be truly free, has to be master of himself, and a fundamental part of that meant being master of his own death. Does this mean that we must choose when to die, that we must seek our own death? No, but Death is one of the greatest fears of men and, therefore, keeping death in mind at the moment of life, knowing your fear and mastering it, that was what was truly praiseworthy.

Keeping in mind that we are going to die can motivate us to enjoy life much more. For many this is the meaning of Memento Mori. Those who are guided by this precept try to invest their time in what they really want to do, in what helps them feel more complete as human beings; instead of wasting life, whose value, among other things, lies in the fact that it is finite and we do not know when it will end.

Memento Mori invites us then, under this translation, to live in the present, instead of wasting time planning what will happen, without the certainty that the future will arrive, since death can occur at any moment. It reminds us that we are mortal.

«Remember to die»

However, over time a second interpretation has been generated around this phrase: Remember to die. This other interpretation suggests that we must Remember to die, while earthly life is vain. He describes life before death as vain, fleeting and impermanent, and invites us to detach ourselves from pain or pleasure, from worldly fears and ambitions, so that our soul is prepared, elevated, at the moment of death. Dying every day in the banal, to dedicate ourselves to what is really important.

Remember to die is a phrase that, according to experts, encourages you to focus your life on personal growth, on being, on wisdom, knowledge, which is what lasts and transcends, instead of concentrating on fleeting feelings, or on obtaining material goods, which will end when we cease to exist. It is possible that this second interpretation comes from the influence of Christianity, which influenced for many centuries how the texts of the Greeks and Romans were interpreted, and that even chose the permitted texts, and hid the prohibited texts.

In both cases, despite the difference in their translations, Memento mori It reminds us that life ends and that if we want to transcend we must detach ourselves from the earthly and seek the development of the being in the depths of the individual.

Which of the two meanings would you apply to your life? Do you think that what this phrase suggests is valid? Because? At we want to know your opinion, and know what else you want to read about this topic. What you think is very important to us! So leave us your opinion in the comments.

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