In what number has the Christmas jackpot fallen –

The ball was called at 12:45 p.m. on the third wire of the eighth table. One of the series was sold in the Cantabrian town of Potes, in the administration located on San Roque street. It also left 1.8 million in Huércal de Almería, where 30 series were sold. The draw blessed the number with the fourth of eight fifth prizes. Sold at the lottery administration located on Calle Tenerife in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which distributed the entire series.

99 prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the 99 remaining numbers of the hundred first prize. 2 approximations of 9,600 euros each, for the numbers before and after the one that obtains the third prize. For yet another year, the Teatro Real in Madrid has hosted the Incredible Christmas Lottery Draw. This time, dozens and dozens of people were present in the seats of the theater to continue the morning session in situ.

How many chances do I have to win \’el Gordito\’?

A part of the tickets were sold at the Atocha Station in Madrid, 129 series at the AVE terminal, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and a series respectively in Santoña, Ayamonte and Toledo street in Madrid. At that time, it was the primitive and later it would become the \’Modern Lottery\’, in 1812. Such was the predominance of \’The Lottery Fanatic\’ that it ended up giving its name to the newspaper \’El Enano\’ in 1851 and starring in the Christmas Lottery coupons.

In 1978 the first prize went to 15,640, the same number as in 1956. The same happened with number 20,297, which was the Gordito in 1903 and 2006. Ávila, Ceuta, Melilla, Tarragona and Zamora, however, have never seen first prize up close. Where can I find the Christmas Lottery number that coincides with my mother’s birthday?

The Boys and Girls of San Ildefonso are back

In the next table you can check the different numbers that have been graced with the «Gordo» prize of the Christmas Lottery throughout history. And it is that the Christmas draw has been held without pauses since 1812. Just in case you have not yet been able to check if you are among the winners of the Christmas Lottery draw, we will tell you which are the winning numbers of the State Lottery and Betting draw. Extraordinary Christmas Draw 2022, check the number and all the prizes distributed by State Lotteries and Bets. Although your number has not been a First Prize winner, there are multiple categories of prizes that you can opt for, including the stones. To find out if your number is awarded in any of them, you can ask the Lotómetro de la Sexta.

Also in Villamañán, in León, where there were 30 award-winning series that come from an exchange with a Barcelona administration, whose owner is from Villamañán, a town council of 1,150 inhabitants. A pinch of this first fifth also came to Benidorm, Algeciras (Cádiz), Camprodon, Jaén, San Pedro del Pinatar, Manises, Granadilla de Abona, Cádiz, Granada, O Porriño, Canet de Berenguer. 2 tenths of the were sold at the Granadilla de Abona service station. Follow the news of the draw directly with our catalog of much more important Christmas Lottery news.

In the case of having hit the approximations, the number before and after El Gordo, the prize will be 2,000 euros. If a physical ticket was purchased, the money can be claimed at any point of sale or State Lottery and Gambling office. If it was purchased through the app or the website, the money is deposited directly into the client’s virtual account. Request the numbers of the tickets that have won a prize, ordered by thousands. While prizes of less than 2,500 euros are exempt from taxation, the winners who are awarded amounts greater than this figure must report to the Treasury. Lottery from the Atocha lottery administration that distributed the first prize of the 2022 Christmas Lottery.

This number was sold in the Murcian city of Los Dolores, with 150 series in administration number ten. And again it fell to the Madrid administration Doña Manolita, which has 4 series. Check the winning numbers of the ONCE draws today, Wednesday April 13, 2022 and check the result of the Daily Coupon and Super Once. The administration number 13 of Almería sold 17 series this number, while the administration number 16 of Valencia distributed 51.5 million.

Christmas Lottery Beyond the Gordito Prize, where have you played the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth?

The fifth fifth prize (69,457) of the Christmas Lottery was distributed entirely in the town of San Pedro Alcántara, in Malaga. The Incredible Draw of the Christmas Lottery in 2022 distributes more than 2,400 million euros. Last year, several of the most traditional fans of the event came to the doors of the Teatro Real to take part in the raffle. It was the case of Doña Manolita, the \ ‘hype woman \’, who was fortunate enough to take home a fifth of the prize. Juan López, the Leonese nicknamed \’the Bishop of the Lottery\’, thanks to his frequent disguise as a prelate, also approached.

The Third Prize of the Christmas Lottery 2022: The 19517

In addition to this, 1 is the least attractive ending, since it has only come out 8 times. By statistics, in reality, one number is the same as another, although superstition is superstition. We hope that chance and luck have been on your side in this 2022 Christmas Lottery draw and that you have been awarded. But it also reached other efforts in Murcia and the Spanish capital, as well as in Valladolid, Barcelona, ​​Cáceres, Cantabria, Castellón, Cuenca, Guipúzcoa, La Rioja, León, Málaga, Pontevedra and Valencia. The number was sung at 11:13 a.m. on the first wire of the fifth table. For example, the endings 5 ​​and 85 are the ones that have been repeated the most throughout history, while 1 and 3 are at the opposite extreme.

This Extraordinary Christmas Draw prize also fell in Badajoz due to the fact that the Number 3 Lottery Administration distributed, nothing more and nothing less, than one million euros by selling 2 series of this number. 198 prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the remaining 99 numbers of the hundred of the 2 fourth prizes. Know live the number of the Christmas Lottery jackpot, other prizes, lucky places and curiosities.

Check Christmas Lottery 2022: Find Your Number And Find Out If It Has Been Awarded

Once that time has elapsed, the prize will expire and the payment thereof will not be able to be carried out. You have at your disposal a search engine where you can check the Christmas lottery and calculate the amount of your participation. 999 prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the tickets whose last two amounts are the same and are equally prepared as those of the one who gets the second prize. 999 prizes of 1,000 euros each, for the tickets whose last two amounts are the same and are equally prepared as those of the winner of the first prize. In addition to this, 106 series were consigned in the capital Barcelona and another 30 in Lliçà d\’Amunt, in the province of Barcelona.