If you sweat a lot, you should eat less meat

Some people sweat more than others on hot days. It gets particularly bad for them when their sweat also smells unpleasant. If you sweat excessively, it is best to consult a doctor. With a few little tricks, those affected can also do something themselves against sweating and the smell – for example by not eating meat.

The sun is shining, the temperatures are rising, fire up the grill and grill delicious steaks and sausages – sounds like a perfect summer’s day? Not for people who break out in a sweat easily. If you sweat a lot, you should rather avoid meat more often. This is because it makes you sweat. With a few small hygienic measures, unpleasant body odor can also be brought under control.

Less meat, less sweat

If you sweat a lot, you’re better off not only on hot summer days if you don’t eat a lot of meat. Because they contain purines, which have a sweat-inducing effect. Vegetarian alternatives such as soy products and legumes also contain purines and should therefore be consumed with caution if you want to sweat less. The Lower Saxony Chamber of Pharmacists points this out.

Purines are mainly formed by the body itself and are an important component of body cells. But they are also ingested through food, for example from shellfish and crustaceans as well as cabbage, spinach and asparagus. By the way: people with heavy sweating can also hope for relief by avoiding nicotine, caffeine and spicy foods.

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Unpleasant body odor caused by bacteria in sweat

One consequence of the strong smell of sweat can be an unpleasant body odor. Because where the sweat cannot drain off or dry off, a warm, humid environment develops. Bacteria not only feel comfortable in it, they also find food in the sweat secretion. When the secretion decomposes, the mustiness develops.

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The right body care against strong odors

If you sweat a lot and have the feeling of smelling, you can do more than avoid meat, legumes and the like. You can also counteract the strong odor with appropriate body care. So it is recommended to remove body hair and shower daily to reduce the multiplication of bacteria. According to the Chamber of Pharmacists, washing with antibacterial sage tea is particularly effective. The same applies to baths with a decoction of oak bark.

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Many people like to use deodorant when they sweat. However, these mask the smell, but do not reduce the amount of sweat or the formation of bacteria. Instead, high-proof alcohol can be applied topically to reduce bacterial growth. However, it is very irritating to the skin. Alternatively, body powder helps to bind moisture. The experts recommend it for slightly sweaty areas, for example under the chest.

With material from dpa