How to remove spots on the face due to menopause –

Removing it completely from the face is a practically impossible task. In fact, it only disappears in 10% of situations, however, there are several methods to reduce it. “There are topical depigmenting agents, chemical peels and glycolic acid. With this you have to be careful because it can worsen the pigment ”, adds Dr. Longo. The high presence of estrogen influences its appearance, but as explained by the head of the dermatology section of Hospital La Paz, Raúl de Lucas, the real culprit in the appearance of melasma is the sun.

“It is not an allergy to the sun, but the skin is going to burn much more intensely and residual macules may remain,” says De Lucas. To prevent the appearance of macules, it is advisable to use protective creams, such as avoiding being exposed to the sun for many hours as much as possible. If you cannot avoid using makeup, make sure you use a product that is as natural as possible, that does not contain oil and is not comedogenic, that is, it does not clog the pores of the skin, causing the appearance of blackheads. Also, much better if it has salicylic acid from nature.

Melasma Hormonal Spots

Although its ultimate cause is not known, it is known to be a skin disorder that appears as a result of hormonal changes. That is why these macules appear practically uniquely in women, especially in relation to pregnancy or taking contraceptives. In addition to this, sun protection measures must be taken to avoid additional aging due to the action of sunlight.

Likewise, an early diagnosis is useful to establish treatment and stop the progression. When melanocytes generate more melanin, melasma appears. Some foods such as oranges, pomegranate, broccoli or kiwi help us maintain a perfect level of vitamin C in our body, so it is advisable to include them in nutrition during menopause.

We mix the two ingredients until obtaining a very homogeneous mass, we apply it on the face and let it act for about 20 minutes, rinsing well with not very hot water. The truth is that, at any age, women’s skin is much thinner than men’s (0.5-3 mm, while men’s is 25% much thicker). To this we must add that, with the passage of time, it ages and its functions (defend ourselves from germs and solar radiation, regulate body temperature, store substances, etc.) are altered. The first signs of aging can show up at different times, depending on genetics and lifestyle. Skin hydration decreases, due to physiological effect or because of the sun.


In addition to this, it is advisable not to eat pre-cooked or processed items -with a high sugar content- that are not beneficial for the skin, much less for health. And if you need much more information in our product on how to remove blemishes on the skin, you can find more ideas for skin care in summer and preserve skin health without the use of creams. It is among those that work best to remove blemishes from the face. We will need a tablespoon of honey, a large strawberry or 2 small strawberries and half a cup of natural yogurt. We will crush the strawberries well, and mix with the honey and the yogurt, until obtaining a homogeneous mass.

I have been able to read and understand the information on the use of my personal data explained in the Privacy Policy and I agree to receive tailored commercial communications from MartiDerm via email and other means. Menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation and has direct physiological consequences in the woman’s body, while the interruption of estrogen secretion due to loss of follicular function is considered. Here we have compiled information on the properties and traditional uses of medicinal plants to offer a much deeper insight into the world of plants. Request a visit to appreciate your case and to be able to explain our solutions with appearance. The macules have the possibility of revealing a disease, although it does not have to be something serious. Discount coupons for the purchase of TENA Discreet, TENA Silhouette and TENA Pants models.

How to Eliminate Dark Spots on the Face with Infallible Remedies

It is a recipe from Japan that helps to remove blemishes from the skin, refreshes the face and provides a much lighter tone and a very soft texture to the skin. Three tablespoons of boiled rice are required, the excess water in which the rice has been boiled, one tablespoon of milk, and two of honey. Mix each and every one of the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass. It is preferable to use the mixture at night before resting and leave it to act for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask with not very hot water and you can repeat the operation once a week. They are those coppery, coffee-colored spots that tend to appear near the face, usually on the forehead, cheekbones or upper lip.

Use and leave to act for 15 minutes, removing the mask with lukewarm water. Excessive exposure to the sun’s rays, apart from being dangerous for the skin, is probably one of the biggest culprits for the appearance of spots on the face, because melanin production is boosted. Each and every one of us is concerned about how the passage of time will affect our skin. The signs of aging, the result of hormonal changes, are especially visible in this organ. More than anything on the skin of our face, which is the image that we project towards the rest and that best defines us physically, as a perception of ourselves.

In addition to this, it must be taken into account that throughout this stage there is a redistribution of body fat. Food supplements or nutricosmetics are used as a complement to topical or office treatments. Thanks to them, it is possible to boost the ability of the skin to respond to the stimuli of aesthetic treatments and provide antioxidants such as vitamin C and E. Personalized medical cosmetics such as estrogen creams, retinoic acid, glycolic acid and vitamin C they increase the rate of skin collagen, which is why they are recommended in the climacteric stage. To prevent and treat the sequelae of menopause on the skin, we currently have different topical and aesthetic treatments that are quite practical.

Along with the general measures that are recommended to women in the climacteric, such as maintaining a healthy weight and exercising, and beyond the hormonal regimen in which it is correct, the skin also needs special attention. It will remain much younger and more elastic, and the appearance of age spots can be prevented. Whitening cream. The best thing, so that you do not lose its active elements and its effects, is to do it every week instead of carrying out countless to save it and use it with some frequency. We will need 3 tablespoons of powdered milk, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of glycerin, and a teaspoon of squeezed lemon.

Acne is not only a problem in adolescence, since according to data from the Healthy Skin Foundation, much more than a third of adult women suffer from this skin disorder that appears when the hair follicles become clogged with fat and cells. dead skin. Skin revitalization includes different dermo-aesthetic treatments with which it is possible to improve the quality and appearance of the skin, recover its hydration and brightness, and prevent and treat aging. Include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A, C and Y as well, as well as peppers, spinach, pumpkin and vegetable oils.