Most often, we are very thirsty and hungry, tired or fatigued, even blurred vision or a tingling sensation in our feet. We also have the possibility of suffering an immediate weight loss that is not voluntary, and urination more frequently than usual. The body does not produce insulin and blood sugar levels increase, which can cause major problems. Or for other reasons such as the use of certain medications such as estrogens and chloral hydrate. If urine glucose is elevated, the doctor will recommend monitoring blood glucose values.
The education of the patient with diabetes, a process where all the training and information contained in all the aforementioned points is integrated, was revealed as one of the most functional actions to find the objectives of optimal control of the pathology. There are multiple and varied pharmacological provisions for the treatment of Diabetes. Scrupulously follow the rules that your doctor indicates both in terms of doses and schedules, relationship of medication with food, precautions with alcohol, driving, etc. Most of the pharmacological treatments of Diabetes can cause hypoglycemia and you must know how to avoid them and how to treat them if they appear. Diabetes is diagnosed by measuring the amount of glucose in the blood.
The pre-diabetic state is characterized by the fact that the person has fasting glucose values or oral tolerance test values higher than normal, but lower than those that define diabetes. In the past, to make a diagnosis of diabetes, doctors asked the tolerant person to urinate on the ground. In this way, if ants and other insects approached, it was a clear symptom of diabetes. Primary hypoglycemia is rare and is usually diagnosed in childhood. Affected people have symptoms of hypoglycemia without actually having low blood glucose values.
This test allows us to check the body’s response to the glucose load and detect the functioning of insulin, a hormone that is in charge of regulating blood glucose levels. If you have diabetes, it is very important that you self-control your pathology to avoid complications. To do this, if your doctor points it out to you in this way, you will have to analyze your glucose or blood sugar levels daily, at different times of the day, through a test called capillary glycemia. If you do not have the laboratory report and want to obtain a reference range, consult your doctor or the laboratory that performed the analysis. Laboratory test results are meaningless on their own.
Nervousness, tremors, weakness or excessive sweating can also be clear symptoms that we have low insulin and we may be suffering from type 1 diabetes. A higher proportion of blood sugar causes some bacteria to run wild and favor the appearance of infections repeatedly. If the outcomes are normal, «they have to be repeated every three years, at least,» says our expert. In the product we provide some indications to understand if you have diabetes. However, the most advisable thing is that you go to the doctor so that he can carry out the tests he deems necessary.
Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms
Hypoglycemia when glucose values are markedly decreased. Admit and know how to act when faced with high or low blood glucose values. In the case of type 1 diabetes, it is necessary to indicate the injection of insulin several times each day. Checking glucose on a regular basis can see if the diet and regimen are correct. They can be used to monitor glucose values, if the patient has now been diagnosed with diabetes. Developing habits that lead to a regular and organized life, with regular eating and sleeping times, schedules for scheduled physical exercise, etc.
In these cases, it can be enough to change eating habits, eating snacks or small amounts much more frequently throughout the day and substituting complex carbohydrates for simple ones. Occasionally, blood glucose testing may be ordered along with insulin and C-peptide testing to monitor insulin production. It is customary for diabetic patients to be asked to self-monitor their glucose, once or several times each day, in order to monitor glucose values and discuss regimen options.
How to understand if I have diabetes
This can be done with a glucometer; a small machine that provides a digital reading of the blood glucose value. Alternatively, some people may use a continuous glucose monitoring device. The doctor will explain to the tolerant if it is necessary to control the glucose values. Not everyone with type 2 diabetes needs to check their glucose levels every day, especially if they are able to control their diabetes and glucose levels with diet and exercise. Diabetes is one of the health anomalies that most harms society today. It is a disease in which the body loses the ability to regulate levels of glucose or blood sugar.
People with prediabetes can be monitored with tests every year. Diabetes is a disease that the whole planet has heard about, but is not fully known, apart from the fact that practically six thousand individuals in Spain suffer from it. As a result of this ignorance, it is common to hear expressions such as «I have a little sugar».
Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms
Lack of adaptation to biorhythms, the main cause of increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular pathology, in night shifts. The reference ranges of the tests that have been carried out will surely be found in your laboratory report. By the time you have risk factors for diabetes or an age of 45 years or older, as suggested by the American Diabetes Association.
A random blood glucose test can also be done to screen for diabetes. However, if a random glucose result is abnormal, a fasting blood glucose test or glucose tolerance test should usually be performed to further establish the diagnosis. If the feedback mechanism between glucose and also insulin works properly, the blood glucose concentration remains fairly permanent. If the balance is broken and blood glucose values rise, then the body tries to restore stability, both by increasing insulin production and by excreting glucose in the urine. However, in many other cases, we are talking about a silent pathology that does not show visible symptoms until advanced stages of its progress, when other types of complications begin to be seen, such as those that affect the heart and vision. Hence, it is important that, in a preventive way, medical controls are carried out, which have the possibility of contributing to a diagnosis of the presence of diabetes or its previous phase, known as prediabetes.
How Are Blood Glucose Levels Measured?
Expressions like «I have some sugar» are unfortunate, since diabetes is a chronic disease that you either have or don’t have, and that must be taken very seriously. However, it is very normal for certain concerns to arise when we talk about diabetes, due to the fact that it is a complex disease and whose development and diagnosis process can vary between different cases. Serious consecutive results from this test are very rare. Some people may only notice a slight feeling of dizziness, nausea, or sweating after taking the glucose-containing liquid. Some diseases that generate excess corticosteroids have the possibility of increasing blood glucose, such as Cushing’s syndrome. To estimate that an individual is diabetic, it is necessary to have two fasting determinations above 126 mg/dL, or one above 200 mg/dL even after eating.