How to cancel change of company Telcel to Unefon? –

How to cancel the change of company from Telcel to Unefon?

Go to the nearest customer service center with a letter where you include your full name, 10-digit cell phone number, a brief text explaining that you do not agree with the portability that is being carried out and you want to carry out a reversal, the date and your signature.

How to switch to Unlimited Unefon?

How to switch to Unefon Unlimited

  1. Call *611 and dial option 6.
  2. Make a minimum Unefon recharge of $70 pesos.
  3. Every 24 hours, $10.00 will be automatically deducted from your Unefon balance.

How to change from Unefon to Telcel with the same number?

How to change to Telcel?

  1. The first thing is to request your Telcel portability PIN: By calling 051 from the number you want to port.
  2. You will receive a call or text message with a four-digit Telcel PIN.
  3. Then, go to any Telcel customer service center to start the process.

How do I switch from Unefon to AT?

For a natural person, it is not required to fill out the form. Go to an AT store, with an official identification… Obtain the PIN for portability with any of the following options:

  1. Sending a written message to 051 with the word PIN.
  2. Requesting it directly to your executive.
  3. Calling 051.

How to reverse portability?

Reversal: Go to the company that provided the service indicating that they ported your number without your consent and requesting that it be reversed, bringing a letter indicating that the change of company was made without your consent.

How to cancel a portability from Telcel to AT?

To cancel portability, it is best to go to an AT customer service center with a letter containing:

  1. The reasons why you are requesting to cancel the change of company to AT: They ported the number without your consent.
  2. Full name.
  3. Signature.
  4. Date.
  5. 10 digit number.

How to switch to Unlimited Unefon 2022?

How to switch to Unlimited Unefon?

  1. Call from your Unefon line to the number *611 and dial option 6.
  2. Make a minimum Unefon recharge of $70 pesos and that’s it!

What happened to Unefon Unlimited?

As of today, Sunday, March 8, Unefon Ilimitado disappears, no more clients will be received during the next few days, gradually, current clients of Unefon Ilimitado will be able to enjoy the service until May 30, as read in the terms and conditions of your website .

How to recover my number if my company changed?

How many times can it be worn?

How many times can I port my number? The user can change whenever he requires it, however, once the portability is done, he must wait 60 days to change again to another company.

What company is AT for recharges?

OXXO® | AT refills.

What is the procedure to change the same number from one chip to another?

Go to a Telcel Customer Service Center. Report your SIM card as lost with one of the advisors. Request the renewal of your SIM card with the same number you had. Answer a few questions about yourself as the line owner and about the number.