How to ask questions with the first conditional in English? –

How to ask questions with the first conditional in English?

Questions in the first conditional are formed like a normal question with will: What will you do if you fail your test? Where will you go if you move out of your parents’ house? What will you say if she asks for your opinion?

What is the first conditional in English?

The first conditional refers to probable and realistic actions or events. It should not be confused with the second conditional, which usually refers to imaginary situations (for example, «If I won the lottery, I would never work again!»).

How to answer questions with the First Conditional?

How to answer questions in the first conditional? How to answer these questions with «first conditional» : -How will you feel if you fail your next test? -if you get lots of homework, how will you fell? -What will your teacher say if you are late tomorrow? -if you feel bored next saturday, what will you say?

How to ask questions with third conditional?

Now with where and when….The practice.

What would you have studied if you had not studied classical Greek? What would you have studied if you hadn’t studied Ancient Greek? What kind of music would you have played if you had been responsible? What kind of music would you have played if you’d been in charge?

How to ask questions with conditionals in English?

Let’s see how it works!…Practice.

Who would (she) turn to if (he) wasn’t her friend? Who would she turn to her if he were n’t her friend? How would you do it if he depended on you? How would you do it if it were up to you? Who would lend us a hand if we were in trouble? Who would help us out if we were in trouble?

How to ask questions with the second conditional?

Questions with the Second Conditional

  1. What would you do if somebody stole your car?
  2. What would you do if you saw a man trying to steal your car?
  3. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
  4. If you were powerful enough to change the world, what would you change?

What is the future conditional in English?

The first conditional, or future conditional, refers, as its name suggests, to conditions and circumstances that can be fulfilled in the future: If you keep reading, you’ll see.

What is the difference between conditional 1 and 2?

Summary table of conditionals in English

Conditional Time Probability First conditional Future Possible Second conditional Future Not probable Second conditional Present Not real/imaginary Third conditional Past Impossible

How to ask questions with conditionals?

How to answer with the first conditional?

first conditional

  1. If it rains, I won’t go to the park. — If it rains, I won’t go to the park.
  2. If I study hard enough, I will be able to go out tonight. «If I study hard enough, I’ll be able to go out tonight.
  3. If you don’t leave immediately, I will call the police. — If you don’t leave right now, I’m going to call the police.

How do you answer a conditional question?

In this article we will focus on formulating questions such as: Where will you go if you get lost?, Who will you ask if you don’t understand?…Practice.

What will (he) do if his time runs out? What will he do if he runs out of time? Where will we live if we have to move? Where will we live if we have to move?

How to ask conditional questions?

The main question words are: what, why, who, where, when and how….The practice.

What will (he) do if his time runs out? What will he do if he runs out of time? Who will be my boss if you resign? Who’ll be my manager if you resign? Where will we live if we have to move? Where will we live if we have to move?

What is the second conditional in English?

Most English learners have seen the second conditional at some point, and know that it includes a past tense and the modal verb “would” (for example, “If I were taller, I would play basketball”)… which can lead to confusion:

What is a mixed conditional?

Here is another article on this topic: Conditionals with when, if and as soon as. There is also a conditional with an imperative. I guess I should call it a kind of «mixed conditional.» But being if + simple present, it could fall into the definition of first conditional as well.

What is the future conditional?

Therefore, it can also be called «future conditional». Here we will see some examples… If you only have a minute, keep in mind these three rules for a good use of the first conditional in English:

What is a conditional on Udemy?

Now I have a whole course on conditionals on Udemy: it has everything I would give in several hours of class, plus the e-book that explains everything in great detail, for less than an hour of class would cost. There you have it: The Ultimate Guide to Conditionals