How the Vikings lived | 10 Curiosities about their way of life

If you are a frequent reader of Viking novels, or a faithful admirer of the films and series that have made these characters, you may know a little about their way of life. However, there are aspects that are not told in all the books about this interesting Nordic town, which is why we invite you to know 10 curiosities that will help you understand how the Vikings livedthe group of people who are characterized by their strength, long beards and impressive armor.

Before talking about how the Vikings lived, it is important that you contextualize the place where these men, women and children lived their daily lives: Scandinavia, which is made up of three European countries: Denmark, Norway and Sweden, although it is possible to learn stories of various Viking warriors who originate from or arrived in Finland and Iceland on certain expeditions. Let’s start this tour of the daily life of the Vikings!

10 Curiosities that will help you understand how the Vikings lived | Let’s discover their routines

1. We popularly know the Vikings as people with rough characteristics, where strength plays a fundamental role. According to various historians, these characters really were like that, therefore, the main concerns of the vikings (especially men) was to defend their people from any outsider.

2. Although movies and books describe and present characters dressed in numerous skins, it is believed that only noble Vikings used them. This town was characterized by always look good physically, so not only personal hygiene was a relevant aspect of how the Vikings lived, but also their physical appearance. For their part, the berserkers were Viking warriors who went into battle half-naked.

3. The personal hygiene For the Vikings it was an important aspect, which is why their beards look impeccable and their teeth are considered the most well-groomed in Europe.

4. The way of life of the Vikings who did not go out on expeditions or fights in general took place in the countryside, where women (mainly) They kept the farms in perfect condition and they grew the vast majority of food that the people consumed.

5. One of the entertainment methods of the Viking people was poetry, which was narrated in public places for the knowledge of young and old. These beautiful lyrics were enunciated by those today known as minstrels, people who had the gift of perfectly narrating the poetry of the time, which is why they enjoyed a lot of respect in the communities.

6. If you’re wondering how the Vikings lived in their homes, they generally only used their houses to sleep, as the rest of the day was spent hunting or working in the fields. The viking houses They were made of stone, however, records of constructions made of wood and clay have also been found.

7. The governments of these towns were pyramidal and had democratic characteristics. An Assembly was formed, led by a leader, where the problems and solutions of the area were discussed.

8. The viking marriages They were for convenience, so it was normal for the father of a family to decide who his daughter married and also make deals with her future husband. Viking women used to marry at an early agestarting at the age of 12 to have their first contacts with men and commonly marrying at the age of 15.

9. In the Viking towns there were slaves, who lacked rights but could rise in positions and enjoy the same benefits as free men, who dedicated themselves to carrying out the economic activities mentioned above, trades or entertainment.

10. The last point that helps us understand how the Vikings lived is blacksmithing and carpentry, trades carried out by these Nordic characters to make your own tools, weapons and buildings.

Now that you know these curiosities about the Vikings’ way of life, you may better understand their ways of acting, even if you don’t support absolutely all of them. As happens in various civilizations, these people had Viking customs and rituals that seem surprising to us today but, for the time, were completely normal. Let us know which curiosity struck you the most and, of course, if you know of any others. interesting fact about how the vikings liveddo not hesitate to contribute it in the comments section.