How much does the monthly fee cost at the Cayetano Heredia University? –

How much does the monthly fee cost at Universidad Cayetano Heredia?



How much is the monthly fee at the Cayetano Heredia University in medicine?

How much does it cost to study Medicine at Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University? The Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia is an expensive university compared to others. Regular enrollment costs 715 soles and the pension, which is paid in 5 installments, is 20,500 soles per semester.

How good is Cayetano Heredia University?

Recognized among the best universities in Peru, the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia is distinguished by offering programs designed with academic rigor, access to intensive practice, research development, and contact with local and global reality.

What careers are there at the Cayetano Heredia University?


  • Health Management.
  • Initial education.
  • Primary education.
  • Nursing.
  • Stomatology.
  • Pharmacy and Biochemistry.
  • Informatics Engineering.
  • Veterinary Medicine.

How is the entrance to the Cayetano Heredia University?

Requirements for those who managed to reach a vacancy

  1. Original certificate of studies from 1st to 5th secondary school.
  2. Only in the case of the Medicine career: Proof of having occupied the upper third in 3rd, 4th and 5th years of secondary school.
  3. Proof of having a grade average of 14 or more in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of secondary school.

When is the Cayetano Heredia 2020 admission exam?

All modalities: from December 1 to 18, 2020. Take the extraordinary admission exam, knowledge exam, academic aptitude or personal interview as the case may be.

When is the San Marcos 2022 admission exam?

On Saturday, April 24, the general admission exam will be held for applicants in the area of ​​Health Sciences, and on Sunday, April 25, for applicants in the areas of Basic Sciences and Economic and Management Sciences.

How many vacancies are there for Medicine at UPCH?

The entrants under this modality will take in the first year the courses corresponding to the Medicine career. The Medicine career offers 20 vacancies for internal transfer to the second year, according to the order of merit of the students who entered under this modality.

How many vacancies are there in Cayetano Heredia?

90 vacancies for the Academic Talent modality. They are not added to the total calculation of vacancies in Stomatology, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, Psychology and Public and Global Health.

How much does it cost to study medicine in Peru 2020?

Studying Human Medicine at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia costs S/. 31,480 annually. The career is studied in seven years.

What is the cheapest university to study medicine in Peru?

The University of San Martín de Porres has 8 categories of pensions, where the cheapest is S/2,396 and the largest is S/4,034.

What is the cheapest university in Peru?

1. Alas Peruanas University (UAP). Monthly pensions vary between 320 and 1,500 soles, depending on the career chosen.

How much does a newly graduated doctor earn in Peru?

Medicine is the best paid profession in Peru, according to data from the Ponte en Carrera portal, developed by the Ministry of Education (Minedu). The average salary of doctors is S/4,072, with S/2,700 being the minimum and S/7,600 the maximum that these professionals have reported, according to Minedu.

How much does a surgeon earn per month?

Salary of the Surgeon in Spain The average salary of a Surgeon is €59,700 gross per year (around €3,230 net per month), higher than €35,600 (+148%) compared to the average annual salary in Spain.