Horseradish has twice as much vitamin C as lemons

Horseradish is not only very spicy, but also quite healthy. Hardly anyone knows that the root contains twice as much vitamin C as lemons.

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Secret weapon mustard oils

The pungent taste is caused by the mustard oils contained, which are released when cutting or grating. In the body, the mustard oils have an antimicrobial effect, according to the Federal Union of German Pharmacists’ Associations in its magazine «Neue Apotheken Illustrierte» (September 15, 2017 edition). Unpleasant side effects of crushing the power root are tears in the eyes, runny noses and flushed cheeks.

In Bavaria and Austria, horseradish is also known as horseradishPhoto: Getty Images

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Help with colds and bladder infections

The most important ingredients of horseradish are in the root. In addition to vitamin B1, B2 and C as well as minerals, these are primarily the resulting mustard oils. Because of its antibacterial effect, horseradish is said to be particularly helpful with infections in the body and can be used especially for the onset of colds and bladder infections. According to «Apotheken Umschau», laboratory experiments have already shown that mustard oils can inhibit certain cancer-causing processes. However, it has not been proven to date that people who consume a lot of mustard oil in their diet actually reduce their risk of certain types of cancer.

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Composition per 100 g daily requirement
(according to DGE or RDA) Energy: 64 kcal 266 kJ Water: 74.85 g protein: 2.80 g 70 g fat: 0.30 g max. 60 g carbohydrates: 11.67 g fiber: 7.50 g 30 g


Raw most power

Since the essential oils evaporate quickly, it is best to only rub as much as you can use directly. To prevent the white flesh from turning brown in the air, add some milk, flour or lemon juice. It is best to use horseradish raw, as heat destroys the mustard oils.

Caution: Not everyone can tolerate high doses of horseradish. Gastrointestinal problems can be the result.

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