Hypotenuse: triangle, sine & calculate

In the context of right triangles, you have probably heard about the hypotenuse of the triangle. The hypotenuse is a special side of the triangle. It is important for you that when you look at a triangle you can quickly see which side of the triangle is the hypotenuse or whether a triangle has a […]

Sea Level Rise: Causes & Consequences |

«Sea level rises – climate crisis swallows up coastal areas of Europe»1 – This is one of many headlines about climate change. In recent years there has been more and more news on this topic and many also cover sea level rise. What is sea level rise and what causes it? How will the sea […]

Random variables and probability distribution |

The subject of random variables and probability distribution is a sub-area of ​​stochastics in mathematics. It is dealt with in the upper school and is usually part of the Abitur material. The Random Variables and Probability Distribution chapter is divided into four major thematic blocks, all of which you can find on our platform! random […]

Quark’s Physics: Atom & Antiquark

Already in antiquity around 450 BC. philosophers like Democritus assumed that our world is made up of the smallest particles. They named these atoms, which is Greek for «indivisible». As the first atoms were discovered, we named them after the models of the Greek philosophers. But today we know that the atoms are by no […]

Definition & Example I Study Smarter

Have you ever wondered how fast gas molecules move? It depends on lots of factors, such as their mass and the temperature. But as an example, scientists estimate that oxygen molecules in the air travel at room temperature at over 400 ms-1. Now, think about how many molecules of gas there are in the surrounding […]

Saponification: Definition, Mechanism & Example

Saponification is common in school with the esterification connected. However, that is not entirely correct. But from the beginning: What is a saponification anyway? The saponification describes the irreversible Hydrolysis of an ester in an aqueous solution of a basic substance (e.g. by a base). arise in the process alcohol and the corresponding Salt the […]

Experience and Behavior: Definition & Examples

Psychology deals with that behavior, experience and action of the human. The fundamental question is: Why does a certain person behave in a certain way in a certain situation? Human experience and behavior Why do people behave in certain ways? In order to be able to answer this question, it helps to define the terms […]

Essay Writing English: Structure & Examples

For as long as you can remember, you’ve wanted a pet – you’d love to have a dog. In order to convince your parents, you collect various arguments why, in your opinion, a dog is an indispensable part of every household. Essays have a similar purpose: they always try to persuade. In this article you […]