March 22 – World Water Day –

O world water day is celebrated in March 22nd and aims to discuss important issues related to this natural resource. As we know, life on the planet is only possible thanks to the presence of water, so taking care of water sources is essential for our survival. The human body, for example, needs water for […]

Greenhouse effect: what it is, causes, consequences, mental map –

O greenhouse effect It is a natural phenomenon of extreme importance for the existence of life on Earth. is responsible for maintain global average temperaturespreventing a large thermal amplitude and allowing the development of living beings. This phenomenon, however, has been aggravated by anthropic action, which has increased emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, […]

Conjunction: what it is, functions, classifications –

To the conjunctions are grammatical words whose function is gather or relate prayers in the same statement. When there are two or more words with the function of conjunction, we say that it is a conjunctive phrase. Conjunctions and conjunctive phrases are intended to unite two or more sentences or words. This class of words […]

World map: continents, countries, seas, oceans –

To access the enlarged version of the map in pdf, Click here! O world mapalso known as the planisphere, is nothing more than the representation of the terrestrial globe in a plane. It has varied functions ranging from calculating distances to studying different aspects of the Earth’s surface. In general, represents the arrangement of different […]

Periodic Table: complete and updated –

To print the table, click here. A Periodic Tablea is a tool that aims to organize and group all the chemical elements ever discovered by human beings. It was developed in 1869 by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, who organized elements with similar properties into groups and placed them in order of increasing mass. Later, […]