Cisgender and Transgender –

Have you heard the terms cisgender It is transgender? These names refer to what is known as identity or gender expression, that is, the way a person identifies. Human beings can identify with their birth sex (male or female, male or female), with the opposite gender to their biological one, or present characteristics of both […]

Poem: what it is, examples, poem x poetry –

Poem it is a literary text written in verse, which are divided into stanzas. These verses can be regular, blank or free. If it is composed of regular verses, this text may have different types of rhymes. It can also be narrative, dramatic or lyrical. Regarding the differences between poem and poetry, the poem refers […]

Atomic models: what they are, history, summary –

You atomic models they are theories developed by scientists who try to explain the functioning of matter and its phenomena. All of them are based on the existence of a fundamental particle, the atom. The interpretation of the atom evolves with each atomic model, according to the scientific knowledge of the time. The atomic models […]

Easter: origin, importance and traditions –

A Easter is a celebration of the Christian religious calendar in memory of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian celebration was inspired by a Jewish celebration called peach, which took place around the same time that Jesus was supposedly crucified and resurrected. A well-known feature of Easter is the fact that your […]

Bullying: what it is, consequences, at school –

the practice of bullying consists of a set of violence that repeat for some period. They are usually verbal, physical and psychological aggressions that humiliate, intimidate and traumatize the victim. The damage caused by bullying can be profound, such as depression, behavioral disorders and even suicide. Read too: Racism – causes, examples and law Topics […]

Map of Brazil: states, capitals and regions –

To download the map of Brazil, click here! O Brazil’s map it is the cartographic representation of the Brazilian territory and can portray Brazil from physical, economic, demographic parameters, among others, enabling the analysis of the Brazilian geographic space. A map depicts a three-dimensional area two-dimensionally. Through elements such as title, caption and orientation, it […]

Joan of Arc: who was she, trajectory, death –

Joana D’arc was a peasant woman who played a relevant role in the Hundred Years’ War, leading Charles VII’s troops in important conquests. Captured by the English, she was tried and sentenced to death at the stake for witchcraft, being executed at the age of 19. In the 20th century, it had its image rehabilitated […]

What is linguistic variation? –

Topics of this article ⇒ What is linguistic variation? A linguistic variation it is a natural phenomenon that occurs due to the diversification of the systems of a language in relation to the possibilities of changing its elements (vocabulary, pronunciation, morphology, syntax). it exists because languages ​​have the characteristic of being dynamic and sensitive to […]