Geriatric Dentistry –

Geriatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that emphasizes oral care for the elderly population, specifically participating in the promotion of healthy aging, through preventive, curative and palliative procedures.

There are several changes that occur with aging throughout the organism. In the mouth we can notice, among other things:

• The mucous membranes become more sensitive and thin;
• Teeth colors may change;
• There may be a decrease in the amount of saliva;
• Decreased perception of flavors, which can lead to high consumption of seasonings in food and worsen problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

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The increase in the number of elderly people has been observed throughout the world, given the improvement in quality of life, coupled with the advancement of science and technology applied in the health sector. In Brazil, IBGE statistical projections indicate that, between 1950 and 2025, the number of elderly people will increase 16 times compared to five times the total population. With geriatric dentistry, dental surgeons will be able to obtain more knowledge and provide care to the elderly in a more targeted and in-depth way. Being able to differentiate what is part of normal aging or not, recommending treatments and proposing solutions.