Cannabis-like substances form in the body as a result of training

Exercise increases the production of cannabis-like substances, which in turn relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the body, according to a new study. Interesting: The body’s own «high» is not produced in the brain, but in the intestine.

Why do you feel so good after training? The answer lies not only in the much-vaunted endorphins, but above all in the increased levels of endocannabinoids. These are produced by the microbiome in the intestines during exercise and – similar to its relative cannabis – relieve pain. At the same time, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and may help prevent heart disease and even cancer.

How a healthy gut combined with exercise reduces pain

In recent years, research has made it increasingly clear how important an intact microbiome is for health and well-being. A recent study by the University of Nottingham once again supports the key role played by the billions of bacteria that live in the gut. Their research, which was recently published in the journal Guts Microbes, found that people with arthritis not only had less pain after exercise, but also lower levels of inflammatory markers.1

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Study with 78 osteoarthritis patients

For the study, a research team recruited 78 people suffering from knee osteoarthritis. Thirty-eight of them did 15 minutes of muscle-strengthening exercise every day for six weeks, while the other 40 did nothing. By the end of the study period, those who exercised not only had their pain reduced, but they also had more microbes in their gut that produce said anti-inflammatory endogenous cannabinoids.

At a knee osteoarthritis the protective layer of cartilage in the joint becomes thinner. This leads to severe pain and restricted mobility.

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Gut microbes called SCFAS produce endocannabinoids

The «high» gut microbes are a strain of bacteria called SCFAS. In fact, according to the research, at least a third of the microbiome’s anti-inflammatory effects were due to increases in endocannabinoids. This means that just 15 minutes of exercise a day is enough to measurably reduce pain and inflammation in the body. “Our study clearly shows that exercise increases endogenous cannabis-like substances. This can have a positive effect on many conditions,» explains co-author Dr. Amrita Vijay in the media release.2

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Researcher: Sport is better than CBD drops

For the scientist, the finding is also interesting in that cannabinoid-based oils such as CBD oil have become increasingly popular as a gentle pain reliever and lifestyle product for some time. But this external influence is not necessary at all. «As interest in cannabidiol oil and other supplements increases, it’s important to recognize that simple things like exercise can have the same effect.» in the long term – can throw things off balance.


  1. Vijay A, Kouraki A, Gohir S et al. (2021) The anti-inflammatory effect of bacterial short-chain fatty acids is partially mediated by endocannabinoids. Good Microbes
  2. University of Nottingham. (2021) Exercise increases the body’s own ‘cannabis’ which reduces chronic inflammation, says new study.