A few years ago, in 2011, a strange formation at the bottom of the Baltic Sea was detected by sonar tracking, which they named “the Baltic Sea anomaly.” Will you join us to find out what it is about?
Rock, UFO, meteorite?
In the border waters of Sweden and Finland, on June 19, 2011, Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asbergcompany leaders Ocean X Teamdiscovered a very strange large shape: a formation similar to a mushroom or mushroom with a diameter of 60 meters at a depth of 87 meters, at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia, a narrow maritime arm of around 700 km long, between both Nordic nations.
In addition to the already surprising discovery, they also observed a trail of ditches on the seabed that reached the object from a distance of 400 meters. But, also, located 182 meters from the first, they obtained another similar formation, which suggested from the outset that both “anomalies” were part of a single structure, since both seemed to follow the same direction on the seabed.
This discovery unleashed an incredible media wave, and Peter Lindberg, a well-known treasure-hunting diver, intrigued by what could be the remains of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, stated very moderately:
“We have to know what we have found. The media has been speculating about everything from UFOs to Russian spacecraft. What we can affirm for the moment is its size and shape; We also know, based on sonar images, that there is a trail of indentations, to or from the anomaly, spanning several meters along the ocean floor. “We cannot say when it was placed in the Baltic Sea, whether the object was thrown into the sea or whether it is a natural phenomenon.”
However, there are several theories:
Human origin
There are researchers who believe they may be man-made remains or even the remains of a ship’s gun turret from World War II, or a secret tracking station from the Cold War era. In any case, they have not been able to indicate its dating.
Geological provenance
There are others, however, like the Swedish geology professor Volker Bruchertto whom a sample of the “anomaly” was sent, which indicates its complete and geologically terrestrial origin.
glacial deposit
This professor thinks that it may be a glacial deposit, and thus the glaciers that formed the Baltic Sea would have transported (or better, dragged) this enormous formation from the place where it originated, to the bottom of the sea.
Volcanic origin
Other experts suggest that it may simply be a rock formation produced by the expulsion of liquid or lava, or a formation of cushioned lavaa type of lava that is shaped like pillows or sacs and forms when lava is extruded to the bottom of an ocean, a deep lake, or a water-filled cavity within a glacier.
They are commonly composed of basalt, although also of other types of rocks. Or it could also be an underwater volcano.
After the second exploration of our Baltic anomaly, there are those who speculate on the possibility that it was a meteorite that had passed through the ice of the last ice age, being dragged across the ocean floor.
Or is it a UFO?
This second exploration brought more questions than answers. Lindberg again stated:
“If it has been built, in any way, it must have been a construction prior to the Ice Age. «It was not produced by glaciation… I don’t think they could have gotten there if it hadn’t been for the ice… I can’t say that it’s not a UFO, because this object has surprised me a lot.»
Furthermore, when the first exploration was made on the ship Ancylus and this was above the anomaly, some transmission failures with satellite phone, but after moving away about 100 meters, communication returned; Other difficulties were also experienced with the underwater robot sonarbut they are things also attributable to a malfunction (which occurred other times) of the equipment.
However, Professor Brüchert found that the anomaly, according to the samples provided to him, was composed mainly of granite, gneiss and sandstone, although he was surprised to find a black basaltic rock of a volcanic type, but that in any case is not something unusual. , and which certainly could have been transported by glaciers. The Baltic Sea complete is a great glacial basinformed thousands of years ago, which makes the geologist assume that both the structure of the supposed UFO and the basaltic rock samples were formed by being closely linked to glacial and post-glacial processes.
An expensive mystery with no clear answer
Two or three more explorations were carried out, but all in a recreational submarine, with clearly touristic overtones that have not had any scientific character. Both the high costs (in 2012 one day of expedition cost more or less 7,000 euros) as the low visibility of the area make it impossible to obtain images and only a small part of this anomaly has been observed.
The truth is that there are still expectations about what the Baltic Sea anomaly truly is, although what is known is that it belongs to our small planet Earth.
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