Adverbs of frequency – Educador

One way to introduce content about adverbs of frequency to students is as follows:

First, start by asking the class how often they study, read, shower, brush their teeth, watch television, play video games, talk to their parents, etc. Take advantage of the answers, as it’s a way to get to know the class even more!

Then, draw a straight line and make a scale with the adverbs, where the left end is never (0%) and the right end is always (100%). Like this:

•———————————————-•– ————————————————– ——•
0% rarely 50% often usually 100%
never rarely sometimes frequently generally always

Then, write those same actions from the initial questions on the board so that students can relate them to the corresponding adverbs, based on the reference above. Only this time, the language used will be English, of course! Take advantage and use the question How often do you?. Examples:

Actions: How often do you…? Probable answers: a) Watch TV Often; frequently, usually, sometimes b) Brush my teeth Always; generally c) Read a book Seldom, rarely, sometimes, usually b) Sleep at 11 am Never, rarely, sometimes c) Yell at my mother Sometimes, rarely, never

Now ask students to transform the information on the board into sentences. Don’t forget to explain to the class about the position of adverbs: Sometimes I watch TV; I always brush my teeth; I often read a book; I never yell at my mother and sleep at 11 am

Finally, correct the activity with the students and ask them, for example, why they watch television more often than they read books.
Another opportunity to get to know the boys better!

Don’t stop now… There’s more after the advertising 😉

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Portuguese and English Literature