The curiosities of infidelity reveal to us one of the most harmful and at the same time most common behaviors in the human race. Being unfaithful involves violating a pact of trust, in which two people are supposed to reach common agreements. But, beyond the obvious, such as obsessively protecting your cell phone or inventing excuses to cancel outings, have you stopped to think about what the characteristics of an unfaithful person are? In fact, There are certain personality traits that can tell us if an individual is more likely to get involved with other people while in a relationship. At we tell you, join us.
Discover the characteristics of an unfaithful person
This behavior is very striking on a sociological scale. For many, humans are a non-monogamous animal by nature, so they will always have the tendency to seek multiple partners. For others, The intelligence of the race allows us to make conscious choices, pacts, agreements and commitments that are in relation to the life we want to build.
Hand in hand with these two polarities, new relational schemes have also emerged that make infidelity stop being a taboo and a betrayal of the other. This is, for example, the case of open couples or couples swingermodels for which, of course, not everyone is prepared.
Today we tell you some of the most notable characteristics of an unfaithful person., so you can analyze yourself, or your partner. Let us begin!
1. They fascinate themselves
People with the “infidelity gene” are narcissists par excellence. It is difficult for them to concentrate on matters in which they are not directly involved, since they always think about themselves. Let’s say that they are not very empathetic, since empathy would imply focusing on the problems and needs of another and… it is simply not very interesting to them.
Precisely because of this trait of his personality, They tend to look for other romances to feel admired, adored and with an overflowing ego, without considering that the adventure will hurt the feelings of his partner.
2. They are very flirtatious
We continue with the next characteristic of an unfaithful person, and that is excessive flirtation. There is nothing to blame for flirtation, since it is part of the game of seduction. We put it into practice by instinct or with full intention, to send a sign of approval to the person who has captivated us. But when does flirting become a warning sign? One of the characteristics of unfaithful people is excessive flirtation. They flirt with everything that moves, even when close to your partner. Experts respond that, “This need for validation and to feel desired can eventually lead him to cheat on you.”
3. They are greedy
The next characteristic of an unfaithful person is greed. And the fact is that unfaithful people They are constantly invaded by the thought that they can always find something bettereven if they have someone at their side who genuinely meets their expectations.
This trait is a little hard to pick up on, unless you’re very observant to notice that social media or dating apps work pretty well for you when exploring other options.
4. They are insecure
With all the points we have touched on so far, perhaps you have been able to deduce that behind the infidels, With all this voracious need to feel admired, desired and requested, large layers of insecurities are hidden.
To this we add that, on many occasions, infidelities are carried out due to an irrational fear of loneliness. Unfaithful people sow a wrong idea in their subconscious that leads them to convince themselves that, if their partner were to be absent, they must ensure a plan B so that another person can immediately take their place. This is how they feed their shortcomings.
5. They are liars
Another of the most notable characteristics of an unfaithful person is the tendency to tell lies in a constant and permanent manner. “Not all liars are unfaithful, but unfaithful people are always liars.” This is what the experts say…and how much truth there is in it. It is also true that lies dictate too much about people’s morals. When someone is used to lying, deceiving others becomes child’s play.
But let’s think for a moment about the execution of acts of infidelity. They must always be qualified with a lie, with an argument that justifies to the couple the time that the unfaithful person has dedicated to seeing the third person in disagreement. In short, a spiral of lies from which it is very difficult to get out.
6. They accuse for things that they would definitely do
Another characteristic of an unfaithful person is that they tend to judge others based on their own moral standards and criteria. If he or she knows what he or she is capable of, they are sure that the other could also behave in a similar way.
A simple example of this—and quite common—is when someone handsome walks very close to a couple and one of them demands: “You were looking at it, right?” although he is not entirely sure that he actually did it. “Tell me what you judge and I will tell you who you are,” this phrase sums it up pretty well.
Have you identified in yourself or someone else some of the characteristics of an unfaithful person? Better not! And being unfaithful is not merely going out or being intimate with a person who is not your partner. It is breaking an agreement, a pact in which both members of a relationship have committed to something. And when that pact is broken, trust is like a plate thrown into the void. You may be able to repair it with glue, but it will never look like it did at first. The relationship will have generated a permanent crack.
And you, What do you think about this controversial topic? Do you think monogamy is a good choice? What do you think about new relational models such as open couples? Leave us all your ideas in a comment. We will be happy to read you! And we take this opportunity to invite you to read the article in which we tell you about genetic infidelity, excuse or reality? You can also look for inspiration in this selection of the best infidelity phrases. Until next time!