Imagine a scene like this: You are in the middle of any street, in an intense summer that overwhelms with its heat and the intensity of the sun. You suddenly find yourself at the doors of a bar, a kiosk or a business. You see a Coca Cola refrigerator and immediately go for it. You uncap the bottle… or open the can… you feel the sound of the icy bubbling inside. Without a doubt, this is one of the most pleasant experiences that almost all of us have ever experienced. The legendary soda is part of our culture, to the point that it goes well both at a dinner with friends and on a family Sunday at grandma’s house. Today at we have been encouraged to discover the curious facts about Coca Cola, that flavor that seems so familiar to almost all of us. Are you ready to browse the curiosities of Coca Cola? Let us begin!
Brief history of Coca-Cola
The curiosities of Coca Cola present us with a universal brand, which has managed to maintain and grow its image over the years and across borders. There are quite a few of its detractors, who have talked about its peculiar uses for cleaning toilets, removing grease stains from clothes or loosening rusty screws. There are even those who refer to it as an ingredient for washing their hair. But the reality is that This brand has a reach and permanence in the minds of its consumers, which is explained both by its unmistakable flavor and by its effective advertising campaigns.
Coca Cola was born in Atlanta, United States. As a company, it was founded in 1892, but the idea had been born before. In 1886 the first bottle went on sale. and just three years later, in 1889, the secret formula and brand were purchased by Asa Griggs Candler, who created The Coca-Cola Company. Then, in 1919, a group of businessmen led by Ernest Woodruff bought Coca Cola, when it began trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Since then, the drink has only positioned itself on tables around the world. Let’s discover together the best curious facts about Coca Cola.
The 15 best curious facts about Coca Cola
1. The secret formula
We begin this journey with the curious facts about Coca Cola, with what has been the most emblematic: its delicious secret formula. Very few people in the world know the ingredients and proportions of the Coca Cola recipe. The concentrate is manufactured centrally, and is exported there to more than nine thousand bottling plants. in the entire world. There are even those who say that there are only two people who know the formula, and that neither of them has it in its entirety, but that each one knows half of it.
2. The most emblematic advertisement
Among the curiosities of Coca Cola, there are many that have to do with its advertising. And in that area the brand has been a true legend. Its largest and most spectacular advertisement stands on a hill. Engraved using 70,000 Coca Cola bottles embedded in the rock of this hill in Arica, Chile. It measures 122 meters wide by 40 meters high. Simply incredible.
3. The commercialization of coca leaves
We know that coca is quite demonized in modern society, due to its links with harmful narcotics such as cocaine. However, this product is also used in the manufacture of food and beverages, and Coca Cola is one of them. So much so, that among the curious facts about Coca Cola it is said that It is the only company that is allowed to market a quantity greater than half a kilo of coca leaves.
4. The country that drinks the most Coca Cola
And we well know that the United States is the founding and most emblematic country for this brand, but you would be surprised to know that There is another nation that consumes even more of these soft drinks than Americans. It’s about Mexico! In fact, according to global marketing studies, more Coca Cola products are consumed in this Central American country than anywhere else in the world. Their love for the drink is so great that they even created their own version of Mexican Coca Cola.
5. How many people drink Coca Cola in the United States?
But among the curious facts about Coca Cola, we cannot leave out the consumption of Americans. Although more of this soft drink is purchased in Mexico, its northern neighbors do not disdain. On an average day, about 66 million Americans consume this drink, as part of your regular habits. And if we look at a more global statistic, Coca Cola, Coca-Cola Light, Fanta and Sprite soft drinks are consumed throughout the world at a rate of 10,450 units per second.
6. Coca Cola takes us to the moon!
And a funny thing about Coca Cola is that it could literally take us to the moon a bunch of times. If we put all the bottles of this drink manufactured so far in a row, we would be able to go and return to the Moon 1,045 times.
7. The initial objective
Of the least known curious facts about Coca Cola, there is the truth about its initial objective. The most popular soft drink in the world was invented by Dr. John Stith Pemberton, an American chemist and pharmacist. At the time the drink was created, prohibition prevailed in the country, prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The chemist then began to test stimulating formulas that would help people recover from the day’s fatigue, and even combat headaches. It was exactly on May 8, 1886, when Pemberton came up with the first Coca Cola syrup, which began to be sold, mixed with ice and carbonated water.
8. The most valued brand
And although among the curious facts about Coca Cola is the fact that it is the best-known brand worldwide, and even that the word Coca Cola It is the second most universally known, after the term Okaythe reality is that it is not the most valued. In this position stands another commercial giant: McDonald’s hamburgers.
9. Changes in the Slogan
The slogan also adds to the curiosities of Coca Cola, and this marketing phrase has had countless changes throughout the history of the brand. From 1886 to 2009, the soda slogan changed 47 times in total, with the idea of approaching your target audience more effectively. Some of those that have been used during that period of time are Drink Coca Cola, Enjoy your thirst, Sign of good taste, Make it possible and Uncover happiness.
10. The best advertisement
It is enough to remember Christmas Santa Claus and those emblematic commercials to gauge the reach of Coca Cola’s advertising machinery. But among all their brilliant ads, one stands out as the best: The Adorable Polar Bears Campaign.
11. The emblematic bottle
In the history of Coca Cola, the bottles have undergone many modifications. But among all the beautiful bottle stands out. Contour. Its design was arrived at through a contest held in 1915, in which the brand intended to come up with a unique container with its own personality. It was Alexander Samuelsson who came up with the design, inspired by a cocoa pod, and which today has become a global icon.
12. Coca Cola and art
We continue with the curious facts about Coca Cola, this time talking about its connection with art. Indeed, a few artists and painters have used the figures of the brand in their works. The most notable are Salvador Dalí, who painted the bottle Contour of Coca Cola in his work The poetry of Americaand Robert Rauschenberg, who painted three empty soda bottles on his Coca-Cola Plan canvas.
13. The history of the logo
And another of the curious facts about Coca Cola is linked to the history of its logo and its very peculiar calligraphy. It turns out that the initial inspiration for the brand’s graphic identity that has marked generations was not born in the offices of an advertising agency. He was a friend of the chemist John Pemberton, recognized by the name of Frank Robinson, who is credited with the first version of the drink’s logo.
14. The original color of the bottle
If you have been drinking this popular soda for a long time, you will surely have seen its presentations in cans or in transparent plastic or glass bottles. But among the curiosities of Coca Cola that best reveal its history, we have to The first version, that original bottle of the drink, was green.
15. Addictive Coca Cola
And we close this tour of the history and curiosities of Coca Cola, with its addictive potential. Have you ever felt that if a long time goes by and you don’t drink Coca Cola, you have the need to go for one? Well This somewhat addictive effect is due to its ingredients: caffeine, theobromine, and some flavoring secrets.
And you, Did you know these curious facts about Coca Cola? Do you know of any others that you want to add to our list? Leave us all your opinions in a comment. We will be looking forward to reading you!